the vortex generators and roof vane arent going to give you downforce by themselves:
Try the diffuser and go from there.
Of course they won't produce downforce alone. If you really picked apart all the Mitsubishi data sheets, you might
see it like I do... You're not producing downforce, you're using the roof vane or vortex generator to reduce turbulence
and low pressure pockets over the trunk lid due to air flow separation at the edge of the roof.
I'm trying to figure out a tangible way to describe what I seem to feel at high speeds. It's not that I need downforce,
on the rear end, the rear end feels floaty, like the low pressure pocket is 'lifting' the rear end a bit. That is what I want
to eliminate.
I've also heard quite a bit about how diffusers work and how they really don't do much unless they are installed on a car
that already has a spoiler. I don't think that's totally true. I also believe that I should be able to adjust the air flow around
the car if I add the right aero parts while NOT having the wing installed.
Does this make sense to everyone? ....or just to me? lol