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  1. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Hey Bad, I just switched at renewal. My 10400 policy was $66. Would have been about $150 with Lockton, the NRA partner. Is NRA affiliated, just not a partner. THANKS
  2. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    BATF APPROVED conversion kits for AR-15's & AK-47's to Full Auto Hey Guys, I do a website for a friend of mine who owns a gun store in PA, and they started carrying a new product by Slide Fire Solutions that converts semi-auto AR-15's and AK-47's to fully automatic weapons. The thing is...
  3. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Thanks for the link BAD. It's almost time for me to renew my coverage.
  4. obamusWeb


  5. jefferis

    Yes we can redesign before we update to CMS

    Yes we can redesign before we update to CMS
  6. jefferis

    Check out a couple of possible beginning designs at the bottom of STI: redline and redblack...

    Check out a couple of possible beginning designs at the bottom of STI: redline and redblack, foer the move to 4.10. Would take a bit of modification, but it is a start. What I wonder is if I can add a background grill in vB default designs to it.
  7. jefferis

    Putting it on blast for the record! Please read.

    Thanks Paul. I know this has put a lot of stress on crztrbo, and it bothers me that we looked incompetent. I told JJ he needs to tell the WHOLE story and get it out there. We could have moved all our sites to a new company on day one, but because we didn't know which cloud service had...
  8. jefferis

    Putting it on blast for the record! Please read.

    For anyone who wants to read my blog on this issue: The Dangers of Cloud Hosting. Furthermore, since ASO was forced into a transition long before they were ready, they did not have al the equipment in place to accommodate our backups. They assure us this problem will be...
  9. jefferis

    I don't see the ads on Blue either below the nav bar. I cannot find any code to change the ad...

    I don't see the ads on Blue either below the nav bar. I cannot find any code to change the ad right above the nav bar below the name on the right
  10. jefferis

    Update in Progress

    We have recently updated the forums for security and were down about 12 hours to fix some problems. We are also making changes to the forum structure. We have not yet updated the skins (color layouts) for the forums, but will be doing so over the weekend. We expect there will be some image and...
  11. jefferis

    IGOTASTi Goes World Travel

    It is complicated.... In your personal area, create an album. Upload photos to that album. Then, once uploaded and saved, double click on the picture you want to add to the post and copy the BB Code at the bottom of the image, and paste it into your post.
  12. jefferis

    IGOTASTi Goes World Travel

    Some of the stares I got did not look too friendly :-) I think I was promoting and STD :-)
  13. jefferis

    IGOTASTi Goes World Travel

    THE BEST I EVER HAD. Can't get that good crust and sauce here! And the pepperoni... it is a completely different animal. Wonderful... drooling just remembering it.
  14. jefferis

    IGOTASTi Goes World Travel

    Where we went We started in Venice, went to Croatia, to Taromina Sicily, Sorrento, Sardinia, Elba, and got off the boat in Monaco...
  15. DSC01721 (1)

    DSC01721 (1)

  16. jefferis

    IGOTASTi Goes World Travel

    I wore my T-Shirt on the boat pool deck and got tons of stares :lol: A few asked me what it meant, and one guy from Indonesia knew what an STi was and was going to look up the website. These photos are from Porto Cervo, Sardinia
  17. DSC01695   Version 3

    DSC01695 Version 3

  18. DSC01693   Version 2

    DSC01693 Version 2

  19. STi in Sardinia

    STi in Sardinia

    Porto Cervo - IGOTASTi is a World Traveler
  20. jefferis

    Tapatalk Security problem

    It turns out tapatalk was not the problem at all, but the new install of clamav which is causing problems for many websites. Jeff