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    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    I see no tricks? :hijacked: LMAO!
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    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Hey hey! I didn't charge you for tape or those little peanut things.. but now that I think about it...
  3. 0

    Post a picture of you with your user name.

    umm... uhh... im scared. No wonder its taking him so long to finish his build. All that equipment looks constricting..literally.
  4. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Yes, please don't forget to add 3% :lol:
  5. 0

    STi vs. EVO

    I never did like the old Evo's, the new ones look sexy! Yours looks nice for some reason though, maybe its the flaps and lack of stupid roof vaine things.
  6. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Shipping was 13 dollars, and the box was a dollar. So you owe me .15c whenever you get a chance.
  7. 0

    Teh Gran Turismo 5 thread.

    Maybe ask the wife to give it to you a little early!(The game that is) I really don't feel like waiting a month to school you.
  8. 0

    GD The BAD STI.... It has been a good run.

    Current users browsing this thread: 06STI360, BAD STI. We have awoken the bad!
  9. 0

    GD The BAD STI.... It has been a good run.

    The bad has dissapeared? Hows the build going??
  10. 0

    Teh Gran Turismo 5 thread.

    bahaha, as long as they don't make me drive that hideous sedan! I don't want to throw up all over my nice TV.
  11. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Google maps says thats a fake adress... you meaniehead. :rofl:
  12. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Cool just PM me your adress and I'll get it shipped out today! Shipping might be kind of a bitch with all that weight but I will just deduct it from the membership price :rofl:
  13. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    I was thinking about that last night, I have come to an agreement with myself that my membership shall be no less and no more than exactly $13.85 U.S dollars. Simply because thats how much I had in my wallet. Let me know how you would like that. EDIT!!! For posting the very first IGOTASTI...
  14. 0

    Teh Gran Turismo 5 thread.

    Damn that sucks! They are having problems with the online play right now anyways since there is so many people trying to play. Hope you have a 120gb playstation haha, mines a 80GB and its almost full now.
  15. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Oh yeah thats true, IDK I can replicate the sound exactly so I'm sure I can figure it out. Taking off the plastic trim thing looks like it will be a pain though. If I turn my radio up to 35 I can't hear it anyways. :lol:
  16. 0

    Teh Gran Turismo 5 thread.

    Well I totally forgot about this thread.. what a fail. I have been so busy at work this week(and playing MW2) I have only put maybe 2 hours into this game. But my first impresions, first of all this game is massive, you can download the tracks to your HDD to speed up load times which is cool but...
  17. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    They don't have latches though, just a little button. I will take it apart, armed with a roll of electrical tape and gorilla super glue, and damnit I will be sucessful. :lol:
  18. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    It was, however the one in the hatch is not the tool set. I can open the hatch and bang on the inside plastic of the hatch itself and that is whats rattling. Guess I will take it apart this weekend and see if I can quiet her down a bit.
  19. 0

    STi vs. EVO

    I really like the deisgn of the oiling system on the H6 also, seems over engineered which is always a plus! The cam design with the third lobe reminds me of v-tec a little bit, I think with some head work and a serious build this thing could put down 1,000 hp on race gas. yeah buddy!
  20. 0

    GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!

    Found my major rattle, it was my lock socket key for my lug nuts vibrating against some hard plastic in the glove box. Don't leave random shit in your glove box kids!