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  1. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Thanks to Turn in Concept for putting on a MSI photo competition for a discount on some MSI parts. Received the lug nuts last week. Was hard to pick a part i didn't have already haha
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    @Gregroot198521 the MSI frame will be released at $3000 as of right now, which will include the frame, swaybar with blades and endlinks. Grinder34, I do have extra sitting at my house in Edmonton (on the other side of the country from me at the moment) when I go home around xmas if you still...
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Grinder34 The rooducts will not fit at all right now. I will try to work with Randal (rooduct) to try and sort it out. If need be I will do like you have in that pic.
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    I have lost a bit of faith in Will, he owes me a frame due to failure and he has yet to produce. going on a few months.
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Grinder34 1) no not yet as Phil from element tuning has stated he does not use one on his Global time attack STi with this system. I will try without and see what the temps get too, if needed its not a big deal. 2)Yes I have the backing plates installed and I HAD rooducts installed but due to...
  6. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Well I have been given the Green light to post pictures and talk about the new MSI part that will be coming out in the next couple of months. I am currently the only person to have this mounted other then MSI's personal car they are building. The new front frame from MSI is a lot stronger then...
  7. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Thanks, specs for the alignment are -2.9 front and -2.4 rear 0 toe for now. Wing is now waiting for me, just need the uprights built then she will be going on.
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    out for an alignment 20150724_141233 by David, on Flickr
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    That was me tapping the throttle, Thanks for the kind words, yes it took a lot of work this last week. My hands are so cut up lol
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    well the long over due start up, it took a lot of trouble shooting as it didn't want to fire up this morning, still not 100% sure what I did to change it but as you see in the video the engine wiring harness is now a mess as I tore it apart looking for any issues. Due to taking so long to get it...
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Hopefully very Shortly :)
  12. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    been working extremely hard on the car the last couple of days. Every part of me is sore and I cant feel the tips of my fingers lol...FML pretty much have everything sorted out minus fuel and a small amount of wiring (extending wires) engine bay is pretty busy now with the dry sump lines...
  13. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    I was planing on doing the reverse manifold, even had the piping made, but after receiving the new hood I found out there was no room for it. In reality I may have added 1/2-3/4 of a ft. The system is still way shorter then any FMIC.
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    It is made by kaminari. been working hard on the car, hoping to fire it up sometime this week. 20150626_144347 by David, on Flickr 20150626_144354 by David, on Flickr 20150701_093834 by David, on Flickr
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    update with the hood test fitted, 20150529_165525 by David, on Flickr 20150529_165601 by David, on Flickr
  16. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Well, after lots of debating/research and emails this is the hood that is enroute, they just finished building it yesterday. Think I will be very happy, weighs in at 16 Lbs, which is pretty close to OEM I think. Advantages are the ducting and cooling it will offer plus looks a lot cleaner then...
  17. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Thanks to VEX for getting this amazing looking clutch, can't say much more then that until its in the car and I have used it. From all the reviews everyone likes the OS clutches and has had very little to no issues with them. I am told I the clutch will last a long time and will hold any power I...
  18. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    I received some brake parts to finish off the brake situation, new lines to go from the front to the rear, due to some rust and the cage builder not being as careful as he could have been the hard lines broke at the block under the car before the fuel tank. One issue I ran into and if people...
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    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Thank you Grinder34,
  20. F

    GD Funk32's 04 STi race car Build V-Mount,TS EFR7163

    Some new parts showed up, out with the Aeromotive FPR and in with the Radium FPR, way more options with this regulator. Also got some new harnesses that are good to 2020 lol. 20150416_165554 by Funk32, on Flickr 20150416_195124 by Funk32, on Flickr I attacked the hood pin install...