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  1. bforster

    THE 100,000 FANS GIVEAWAY!

    9/18/14 1:13pm CST
  2. bforster

    New Breed Of Turbo

    Did not expect that to happen! LOL
  3. bforster

    STi's friend at work

  4. bforster

    Time to set the record straight!

    When I first Got my STi 2 months ago I went out and found every forum I could find and this place was the only one that I felt like I wanted to support after a few hours of going over each website. This was the most family oriented place that welcomed me with open arms! Thanks so much for your...
  5. bforster

    Kansas Thread

    does the map not show yourself on it? I don't see me on the map.
  6. bforster

    SUBARU | Breakfast in your control

    Awesome video! Man I need to get on a dirt road and learn to drift
  7. bforster

    2015 Subaru STi! V3 STi AccessPORT

    Thanks for getting back to me Defined Performance.
  8. bforster

    2015 Subaru STi! V3 STi AccessPORT

    Looking at possibly getting one here soon. looking forward to hear from a vendor. Thanks edit* Got Boost awdtuning Defined Performance Fast Tuning Products
  9. bforster

    Kansas Thread

    So no one around me huh. Dang it.
  10. bforster

    New to the igota

    Welcome to the forums! We need pics. :)
  11. bforster

    2015 sti Tampa,fl

    awesome looking car sir. Love the black!
  12. bforster

    Thank you for becoming a premium member!

    Thanks! Amsoil: is that what they use at the subaru dealership?
  13. bforster

    new girl

    I have heard that before that the Red ones are Rare but not really sure if they really are or not. All I know is I really enjoy the red on this car. My 8 year old LOVES this car. always say's this is so much better than your truck DAD! also another wonderful Pic!
  14. bforster

    new girl

    Very Nice Pics. I don't know if I want to see more of the car or you???.... Humm maybe more of you next to the STi !! hehe Welcome to the Forums.
  15. bforster

    Kansas Thread

    Hello, how many people are from the Kansas/kansas city MO side.
  16. bforster

    New to the forums. I just got an 2015 STi

    Awesome Thanks for the info!
  17. bforster

    New to the forums. I just got an 2015 STi

    what is the silence delete?? so don't do a cold air intake huh. Never heard that a stock air filter would be better than cold air intake but I will take your word for it. also as far as exhaust I have heard some really bad sounding ones for the 2015. what type do you guys like that still give...
  18. bforster

    New to the forums. I just got an 2015 STi

    once I recover Me and my brother will be racing the cars now that I am over my 1k break in. he has been practicing for a while now. said he got 0-60 in 5.4 as his best so far. his car has a timer in his car for that. I wish the STi had a 0-60 timer that would be awesome. OOO first of all I...
  19. bforster

    New to the forums. I just got an 2015 STi

    Thanks guys. Yeah I know I will be getting a cold air intake and maybe the Cobb AP. I haven't modded other than intakes before. Not really sure if I will need the Cobb AP right away but on a few sites it says to re map the car after getting the new intake. Do you think I will need to the AP...
  20. bforster

    New to the forums. I just got an 2015 STi

    So far everyone likes the car. Most say the red really looks awesome! The issue right now is that I had Knee surgery 5 days after I got the car so my dad has been driving me around and people keep looking at him weird because he has full head of grey hair. haha I just crack up when I see older...