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  1. Spamby

    How to make the GR steering more stiffer!?

    It just really depends on what you want from the car and how you use the car, primarily. For a normal road going car: I may reduce front camber to about -1.0 for the sake of contact patch and even tire wear. I'd take some of the negative rear camber out to help with tire wear and even wear...
  2. Spamby

    Lifetime Membership Idea

    Next January
  3. Spamby

    Lifetime Membership Idea

    Well this is neat. I guess since I'm not a habitual Amsoil user, I'll choose a lifetime!
  4. Spamby

    whats the stock fuel pressure??

    Another member welaish used the Perrin FPR to correct an odd positive fuel trim at the 3k mark. Since I'm having a very, very similar situation as him, I've looked into the Perrin FPR. I do recall Perrin stating that no tune is necessary on a stock map but tuning will be needed if you have a...
  5. Spamby

    How to make the GR steering more stiffer!?

    I have the RCA and can say it makes a difference between uncorrected and corrected steering angles on a lowered suspension.
  6. Spamby

    How to make the GR steering more stiffer!?

    The vagueness and feel of loosing traction is probably due to your spacers. By adding wheel spacers you increase the the scrub radius, positive. When cornering with spacers, you increase the lateral force applied to the tire but decrease the vertical force or weight to help plant the tire...
  7. Spamby

    Sway Bar Installation Advice

    GR is easy. Even the greenest of noons should be able to do it. I just swaybars on an 09 last weekend.. Perrin 22/22 f/r. Rallitek links. I've done 'em loaded and unloaded. Loaded seems to work better but I always have to go back and tighten things or readjust.
  8. Spamby

    OT: Count To A Million Game!

    3794 Well my dear, when it rains it pours. Hate to be cynical but life can weigh a ton. However, that's why we'll pick you up when you can't walk and hold the umbrella for you when it rains. The silver lining in that cloud for ya.
  9. Spamby

    OT: Count To A Million Game!

    3792 The dreaded p0171. Eighty percent chance it's a vacuum/boost leak of some sort. Get that cable and lets start logging
  10. Spamby

    Post To Avoid Account Deletion

    Welcome. Start a journal so we can follow your progress. I'm interested to see it come together. As for the Honda punks, they'll blow their engines and move to the VW scene. Lol
  11. Spamby


    We are here to help. We'll try to do our best with pictures. Try not to drive it. If you have to, drive it like grandma going to the piggly wiggly.
  12. Spamby


    Evap solenoid, boost solenoid and the #3 coil are all on the same side as the turbo and likely were messed with or inadvertently messed with during the install of the turbo. My thought is things aren't put back together or done so right. If you feel confident, you can take a look at those...
  13. Spamby


    The codes seem random as it not really related to one another. Boost control may be hooked up incorrectly or a hose has been left off or has cone loose. #3 coil pack may be disconnected, not connecting all the way or it could be bad. Spark plug in #3 could not be seated properly. Gap of plug...
  14. Spamby


    Sounds like things may not have been put back together in order. You do the turbo install or did a shop do it?
  15. Spamby


    You said you had just replaced the turbo. Is this the first time you've driven it since replacing the turbo.
  16. Spamby

    What type of gauge is better?

    How accurate would that reading be, being pre turbo ?
  17. Spamby

    What type of gauge is better?

    Accessport reads what the ECU reads, nothing more. It doesn't make up its own logic. I'd think you could move and recalibrate the sensor do some ECU magic and you'd have a more accurate wideband from the factory piece. But good luck with the ECU part lol
  18. Spamby

    What type of gauge is better?

    I understand the front sensor, the AFR sensor, pre turbo, to be a wideband. The fact that it is limited to 11.1 AFR and the resulting exhaust pressure at the pre turbo location limits its ability to be accurate during things like WOT monitoring or tuning. The rear is an O2 sensor and...
  19. Spamby

    Need an extra 22HP in your STI for $39.95?

    I chuckled when I read this. Reminds me of the Fitch fuel catalyst and the tornado intake doohickey of yesteryear. Lol
  20. Spamby

    A/F Correction

    You bring hot dogs and I'll bring the diesel fuel