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  1. U

    The Post Whore Thread!

    you need to watch captain america. nuff said hater ;)
  2. U

    Word Association Game!!!!!!

  3. U

    OT: 3 word story creation game!

    like boners alot
  4. U

    Homosexual undertones.....

    don't make me pull out my schwartz and fight you!
  5. U

    IGOTAEVO.COM is now HERE!!!

    So... Who's modding over there?
  6. U

    OT: Count To A Million Game!

  7. U

    OT: 3 word story creation game!

    he likes dudes.
  8. U

    Homosexual undertones.....

    umm hello, Tom Cruise, Super cool guy. Goose, Super cool guy. Iceman, Super cool guy... I mean come on lets be realistic here.... these guys are super awesome which makes all fighter jet pilots super awesome
  9. U

    The Post Whore Thread!

    Wow that is just plain terrible lol but i guess you can't fix stupidity. So I just watched Captain America, It was pretty good. I definitely recommend you guys go see it. It was better than Thor.
  10. U

    midnight subaru

    PICS please. Welcome to the team.
  11. U

    GR Sedan

    I like the whip, very stylish.
  12. U

    OT: Count To A Million Game!

  13. U

    OT: 3 word story creation game!

    gives zach boners
  14. U

    Homosexual undertones.....

    wrong answer helos = ok, fighter jets = where its at. Have you ever seen top gun...
  15. U

    The Post Whore Thread!

    ^^ +1
  16. U

    Homosexual undertones.....

    Im guessing a UH60
  17. U

    The Post Whore Thread!

    Yup... I'm online pretty much all day long. VTEC MUSTANG PWNS ALL!!! *Hold on a sec, that might be my VTEC Rep... Nope*
  18. U

    Anyone here do martial arts?

    Bump for talking to Rich some more, he's pretty well informed. Also, Bump for awesome info I've found on the net :D
  19. U

    The Post Whore Thread!

    22B > every other production subaru! :D :D