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    Bone stock 05 wrx/sti

    only the more fun it is! 272's FTW!

    GD Betsy 04 WRX swapped STi

    Picture taken before we got snow again, and I scraped off part of the igota sticker, I need a new one JJ!!

    Bone stock 05 wrx/sti

    Those are crazy cams for a street setup :) i like it

    Chargespeed Replica Lip

    Does anyone know if the BaysonR rear lip will fit an 04?

    GD Betsy 04 WRX swapped STi

    Thanks bro. Im thinking of a different approach to a new style that I havent seen around my area, so well see how it works out.

    GD Betsy 04 WRX swapped STi

    So sad to see my wheels go, they made that car. but oh well. Goodies on the way, new side spliitters w/ hardware, v-limited ebay lip, and hella horn kit w/ bracket and harness. Super excited! :D

    How do you guys deal with this??

    ^ haha that description though

    Oil Pressure on start up

    sweet man thanks!! an update, i found the oil temp wire, it was cut when i pulled my motor lmao. so i just gotta splice and solder them and cover them with protective coating. as far as the oil press wire, that needs to be replaced still. lol

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    A crawford v2 AOS will never do this, no gunk build up whatsoever :tup:
  10. STIMULA8

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    I'd suggest you go with a Crawford V2 AOS, due to the fact it adjusts for climate, can handle almost any whp application for the street, and has a larger capacity than any other AOS on the market. Also the fact that after its installed, you never have to touch it again. No maintence! :tup:
  11. STIMULA8

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    very nice ;)
  12. STIMULA8

    How do you guys deal with this??

    So anti-theft mode it is. F****** hoodlums
  13. STIMULA8

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    I have forged pistons, there is no warranty for that. why. because racecar. :lol:
  14. STIMULA8

    How do you guys deal with this??

    Or if you have an Acessport you can put it in Anti-theft mode, the injectors wont pulsate at all ;)
  15. STIMULA8

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    I'd ceramic coat before any wrap
  16. STIMULA8

    Wrap my DP or leave it as is???

    I have my all my exhaust system, DP, Up pipe, GS crosspipe w/ exhaust manifolds all ceramic coated. I have my IM and TB ported and polished and heat coated as well :tup: I want to wrap the DP, and the cross pipe. I havent heard that much con's about it.
  17. STIMULA8

    13 nav sub wiring

    ohh yes! cant wait to give it a new home! im doing weight reduction this summer :D i sold my rota grids as well for 1300$ shipped :D!!!!!!
  18. STIMULA8

    How do you guys deal with this??

    Maybe its because of where I live, I don't see much vandalism on Subaru's. I'm at a suburb of Buffalo. Orchard Park to be exact. You can say my town is not very "diverse". Maybe its just me, but I park as far away from the door as possible, but still in view of a building camera. Also I tend to...
  19. STIMULA8

    13 nav sub wiring

    The wiring comparing the fujitsu nav and the premium nav are that the fuji has a better quality and more outputs than the regular HU. meaning more pins/different harness. Id recommend you go to an audio shop to get it installed. If you were local near me I could help you install, I cant explain...
  20. STIMULA8

    STOLEN 2005 WRB STi - Orlando, FL

    Any update if she was found?