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  1. F

    OT: 3 word story creation game!

    Their wedding vegetables
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    OT: 3 word story creation game!

    Very strong parsley
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    i'm much more of a dog person myself, :lol:
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    grimmspeeds ewg hose routing. doesn't make sense to me

    i get it. so its not adding pressure to hold the spring closed on top but its reducing the pressure that the spring sees from the bottom. thanks holy for clarifying.
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    I need help

    Sounds to me like something is loose or broken. An off alignment wouldn't cause swaying, only pulling.... Any new/odd sounds?
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    grimmspeeds ewg hose routing. doesn't make sense to me

    these are the ways that cobb suggests hooking up an ewg. but grimmspeeds way is very different. useing this setup i don't see how the ebcs can hold thats higher than the spring pressure...
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    new from belfast.ireland

    how are the roads in ireland? ever been to the isle of man? and welcome
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    What coolant should I run in my radiator?

    i run hpde 3. i usually am on njmp, pocono, the glen.
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    What coolant should I run in my radiator?

    road course. i thought water wetter did have anti corrosion properties
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    What coolant should I run in my radiator?

    I should have added I also use a water wetter. What I meant by straight water was no coolant. And yes it's a track car. If I should use coolant as well as water wetter tell me. Also I will rephrase my first post to clarify the average person should run antifreeze. My situation is special.:tard:
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    pcv routing for catch can

    Just figured out the second pic is actually the coolant hose not PVC hose. I'm stupid
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    pcv routing for catch can

    edited for easier understanding. sorry bought that i was on my phone when i posted those last few lines... edit; i was just back out in my garage looking at the lines. i think i may be confused with whats what. so the pcv valve is in the first picture but doesn't sit on the crankcase, and some...
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    What coolant should I run in my radiator?

    The track prefers it. If more people did cleanup times would be drastically reduced
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    pcv routing for catch can

    I'm gonna Run the tubing straight from the crankcase vent to the catch can. so in the first picture i'm going to take that T off and just run a tube straight to one catch can. but that will leave an opening for a boost leak where the hose connects to the throttle body (the second picture). so...
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    pcv routing for catch can

    I'm gonna run the saiki michi dual catch can setup
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    What coolant should I run in my radiator?

    In the summer I run distilled water and water wetter. this is in a track car. I personally think pretty much all antifreeze is equal. but you may as well use subaru antifreeze for warranty purposes.
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    pcv routing for catch can

    so heres the pcv vent my plan is to run a line from here directly to the catch can. but there a problem this line that goes from pcv valve to the throttle body. if i leave this open there will be a vacume/boost leak i believe. so what have people done as a solution. once i get it all done...
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    My Current Mods + How Much $ = 450whp

    i'm not sure about the getting to 450 but to get a really good engine built is probably around 5k or more
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    Tires. Nothing handling makes a difference without good tires
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    home made vs bought catch can

    there two types of catch cans out there. the ones that are just a box with an in and out port that do virtually nothing. then there is the kind like this that actually have baffles and filter media. so to me it seems like for cheap i...