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  1. F

    38 or 44?

    pick which one you like the sound of best. the 44 is deeper sound while the 38 is a higher pitched sound. i'm assuming your just getting for the sound. that's what I did and I don't regret it one bit.
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    i want a book on suspension that relates to our cars

    I bought what I thought would be a good book to teach me about suspension but it ended up being for stock cars(as in they're making a left turn, type racing) I've been looking at some others and a lot of them seem to involve formula type cars. couldn't really tell what book would relate best to...
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    godzilla killa journal. a 2006 sti

    so got back from the doctors yesterday and my foot is actually broken. i'm not allowed to put any weight/pressure on it, so no driving for 4 weeks. no working on the car for 4 weeks. pretty much no anything for 4 weeks. ftmfl
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    HELP! Grinding gears....WTF?

    try motul gear300 75w90 works for me
  5. F

    cooling for the track and other longevity items.

    so for oil cooler placement. I'm thinking the fender well so that I'm not preheating and blocking the flow to the radiator. whats your opinions?
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    whats the big deal with the gt-r

    don't waste your time as far as an experience. go drive an aston v12 vantage. but if your just curious its worth it. I have a side hobby of going and test driving random cars that I can't afford.
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    whats the big deal with the gt-r

    why do so many people become fanboys over this car. it's really fast in a straight line and goes endlessly. it also grips well but is sort of blah in terms of fun and feed back (worse than the sti). it just feels heavy and comfy. its a great highway/around town tourer/terror. but as far as a...
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    godzilla killa journal. a 2006 sti

    so an update. I had another event after installing new radiator, water pump, and thermo stat and it over heated in 10 minutes, only 70 out. so I decided to go ahead and install arp head studs, replace headgasket, lash valves, resurface heads. i'm also gonna be installing an oil cooler but the...
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    GD Lucille - Got2Boostit2's other woman 2004.7 STi WRB Track Monster

    My sessions range from 20-30 minutes. Right now I'm running rs3's and overheat them after 3-4 laps with no traffic. Only time they last is if I take 4 seconds off my lap times, which is no fun. I'm running rce blacks with stock sways. I'm kinda thinking even in stock size nto1 may have to much...
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    GD Lucille - Got2Boostit2's other woman 2004.7 STi WRB Track Monster

    how did you like the nt01 tires? how did they take heat?
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    How-To: Request: Driveshaft Replacement

    Shame ur not around here. I could hook u up with a lift
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    help picking clutch and flywheel

    I the car is straight piped and has no rear interior. Noise Doesn't bother me, lol. I appreciate the input guys. Any experience with comp clutches?
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    How-To: Request: Driveshaft Replacement

    Go on some of the garage forums and look for people aroun u with a loft and ask if u can baroww it. Or go to a local car meet And ask people if they know someone with a lift
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    help picking clutch and flywheel

    It's either 19 or 24 pounds, I think those are the Sti vs Wrx weight, just not sure which is which
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    help picking clutch and flywheel

    I was thinking the 15 lb flywheel. And ur right I don't dd my Sti
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    help picking clutch and flywheel

    so my power is currently 332 awtq won't be having more than 350-370awtq. the car is a track car, road course, not drag strip. depending on the day I either have r comp tires, or extreme performance street tires. would a stock clutch work well or should I go aftermarket? if aftermarket which one...
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    oil cooler stuffs

    could I get a quote this setrab oil cooler 50-625-7612. also these fittings. 22-M22AN10-SE 22-M22AN10-90 two of these from mishi and this from mishi and this...
  18. F

    cooling for the track and other longevity items.

    I was thinking a 25 row 13"x7.5"
  19. F

    cooling for the track and other longevity items.

    every diagnostic is saying its not the heads lifting but i'm kinda thinking it is. it was only 70 out when it started overheating 10 minutes into the session. I just did the 02 wrx water pump, new thermostat and mishimoto xline rad. so oil cooler, vents, and radiator ducting are left then really...