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  1. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Hmm, I really don't know, it's just a standard MP4 video, shouldn't be a problem. Edit: Alin What OS and browser do you use? I just tried it in IE, Chrome and Firefox on Win7 without being logged into PhotoBucket and it loaded right up for me.
  2. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Hmm, everything is set to public...not sure why it's not working for you.
  3. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Here you go @Alin, I'm not a fan of YouTube so this is what you get: Also, I wore those sexy short blue shorts just for you buddy. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Can't you just smell the sweet E85...
  4. ZackUSAF82

    2013 sti: 376whp/425wtq STOCK TURBO!

    +1 to that, man that's insanely high for the stock turbo. Hell, that's 20g/Dom 1.5 power on dynos around me, almost makes me want to drive out there and see what I would put down... ;) But congrats dude, really good numbers and the car looks great. How much extra lag do you notice on the...
  5. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    For now my friend, for now...
  6. ZackUSAF82

    TMIC fan mod Q&A

    Sadly the highest heat rated duct tape I could find was only good to 200F, I could of sworn they had a high heat rated duct tape they used in auto racing, maybe I'm just not using the right search terms... :( I guess you could use reflective flue tape but it just isn't the same... :lol:
  7. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    A lot, because I can't have anything but the best so I was looking at some expensive assed aftermarket navi HUs... :tard:
  8. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Just got back from the dealer, they didn't say anything about all my mods...I unhooked and packed up my AP of course but it's not like they don't know it's tuned but I figured it wouldn't hurt. They tried to reboot the navi with no luck so they ordered me a new one, should be here in a week. :tup:
  9. ZackUSAF82

    TMIC fan mod Q&A

    They make high quality heat resistant duct tape...I don't know if it comes in camo in that variety however. :lol:
  10. ZackUSAF82

    TMIC fan mod Q&A

    I still say you should have attached them with camo duct tape, it would have been epic!
  11. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    You and your love of videos... ;) But since I've yet to do the tunnel one (maybe in July since we're going to Atlantic City) I'll make one this weekend...though I may not post it, the EL header on this car makes the car sound like a riced out Honda on camera for whatever reason. I was scared...
  12. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    I have equal length headers, so I have the sound of efficiency, not the boxer rumble. :lol:
  13. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Not me man, I love my Classic Vinyl on my drive to work in the morning...then I go home and throw on some actual classic rock vinyl when I get home... ;)
  14. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Mine is fairly mod-friendly so I should be ok, like you said, they'd have to be idiots to deny a claim on the stereo, obviously nothing I did could have caused the touchscreen to stop working. If it doesn't work out at this dealer there's one other that's close by that is also mod-friendly so I...
  15. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Car is still running fine, I'm actually pretty pleased with my E85 mileage thus far, trying to decide how often I should run a tank of pump through it, I'm thinking every 3-5 tanks of E85. Other than that, nothing new on that side. I will, however, be taking the car to the dealer tomorrow...
  16. ZackUSAF82

    ID1300 injectors

    Great info Matt, thanks for sharing. I have the ID1000s and I just got tuned on E85, car runs great but it was cranking over a couple extra times before firing on cold starts. My tuner tweaked some things and it is definitely better so it's not a big deal but it's good to know what the cause...
  17. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Yeah, I've never been a fan of ACT's stuff to be honest, I had a stage 1 in a Shitsubishi I had and it was god awful. Just not a fan of their stuff, I just feel like it's overpriced and no better than CM, Exedy etc.
  18. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    So since I know I'm going to need a clutch soon, I figure I might as well start talking about it...right now I'm leaning towards the Exedy Stage 1 HD, it's rated to 472 ft/lbs of torque and seems to have really good reviews from what I've found. It's also not as aggressive as the ACT/CM etc...
  19. ZackUSAF82

    How long did your stock tires last?

    I've got 22,500 or so total on the car, maybe about 3/4 of that is on my stockers and they're still ok tread wise. They are garbage but I think I can probably get another 8-10k out of them if I want to. I'm likely going to get new wheels and tires next year, probably going to do one of the two...
  20. ZackUSAF82

    Zack's '12 OBP STi Hatch, Da Money Pit

    Sound is about the same but it just seems smoother, could be the difference in tuners as well but it's definitely a lot smoother running now for sure. I like it a lot better, my previous tune was set up like a racecar for sure, the throttle response was insane. It was fun to drive if there was...