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  1. welaish

    A/F Correction

    I installed my FPR today my LTFT went all to negative. During pump priming the pressure will go to 43 psi and then back to zero after. Check the FPR pics:
  2. welaish

    A/F Correction

    Does it make sense to check the pressure on 3k rpm ish?
  3. welaish

    Monitoring knock

    Yeah it will work. The developer support is super. He will add support for any car suporrts SSM. Normal Bluetooth ELM327 does not support SSM it will not monitor knock.
  4. welaish

    Monitoring knock

    Alin, vagcom cables cannot flash. It only logs and display learning view. I am using it to for logging. Using the BtSsm App and Romraider.
  5. welaish

    Monitoring knock

    The below options will work on any car Stock or tuned(Open Source or EcuTek) There is 2 cheap options available to log the car: Mobile phone/Tablet(Requirement) Andriod Mobile phone/tablet BtSsm App ( (10USD) Option#1:BtSsm-K...
  6. welaish

    A/F Correction

    Will try to post a video of the behviour with the logger screen
  7. welaish

    A/F Correction

    I have the exact symptoms on idle as well when you apply throttle to. 3k rpm. HolyCrapItsFast but why the tune is changing. The car was running fine and suddenly this symptoms appeared. I know you can change maf Scaling and adjust. But that won't be a solution it is just workaround.
  8. welaish

    A/F Correction

    One more possibility is the fuel evac solenoid. But we have something in common here which is the AOS but mine is crawford.
  9. welaish

    A/F Correction

    Yeah I have no stumble also. Just seeing it on the computer and mobile phone. I will be installing FPR next week, i bought the perrin because its direct replacment to the stock fuel noodle. I hope it fix it.
  10. welaish

    A/F Correction

    That's exactly my situation. But my numbers are lower. +6 on idle. Spamby is it at the max when you hit the famous stumble area(2800 - 3200)?
  11. welaish

    A/F Correction

    Exaclty! Any leak in the intake will make the fuel trim skewed even after you fix it. I had also more vacuum 22 after fixing my leak. But fuel trims is still the same. +16. I dont have even the stumble. I see only AF correction reaches +25 between 3000 - 3200 rpm. It lools like vacuum is...
  12. welaish

    A/F Correction

    I guess your problem is different. You might need full fuel rails. Because you are using bigger injectors.
  13. welaish

    Heat isolation and retention. WRAP THAT RASCAL!

    Flashy gizmos!? Like? Gauges!
  14. welaish

    A/F Correction

    Spamby what is your update on the issue?
  15. welaish

    A/F Correction

    qht_sti installing FPR this week. It should be sorted after the installation. It came suddenly also without any mods.
  16. welaish

    2500rpm stumble?

    Thanks man I appreciate it. Will purchase it eventually.
  17. welaish

    2500rpm stumble?

    I already purchased the part. Will install it and check.
  18. welaish

    2500rpm stumble?

    No. iaperformance and fastperormancetuning. Both advised to add he FPR or the longer fuel line.
  19. welaish

    2500rpm stumble?

    Yess it is still there.
  20. welaish

    2500rpm stumble?

    I was driving for 30k KMS without any stumble and suddenly without any MOD the stumble started to show up after I experienced a vacuum leak. As HolyCrapItsFast mentioned any change in the Intake route can cause the stumble to appear (which is very strange) Now I am living with the stumble in...