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  1. welaish

    good morning

    Welcome @windotint
  2. welaish

    HolyCrapItsFast... Cyberu belongs to someone else now.

    Well still cheaper and more customizable than the plx sdm-500
  3. welaish

    HolyCrapItsFast... Cyberu belongs to someone else now.

    Can you share list of items.
  4. welaish

    HolyCrapItsFast... Cyberu belongs to someone else now.

    You should start fabricate and sell it. I have list of customers.
  5. welaish

    Down pipe only?

    So he should log the injectors duty cycle if it is maxed out he should change the pump? Or get bigger injectors?
  6. welaish

    Down pipe only?

    I am still on the stock one. Stage 2 with headers.
  7. welaish

    Post up your local car meets!

    Dubai - UAE local meet
  8. welaish

    what is this sound? (Video)

    HolyCrapItsFast sorry will not start my tuning until i figure out what is this.
  9. welaish

    what is this sound? (Video)

    I started to get this sound after changing the below parts. very obvious during cold start what do you think? 1. Oil Filter 2. D/P/W (I dont know what is that?) 3. Air Filter 4. A/C Belt 5. Alternator Belt 6. Thermostat+Valve+Gasket 7. A/C Filter Engine Related Mods: I have ELH, DownPipe...
  10. welaish

    The s206!! Would you buy?! Your thoughts?

    You can start from here:
  11. welaish

    The s206!! Would you buy?! Your thoughts?

    Perfect will follow your steps. I guess you have a GR correct?
  12. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    mmmm Will install it and make it fully Recirc. I read both the threads before, I wil PM you after next weekend.
  13. welaish

    Down pipe only?

    I started with the downpipe also as well sound changed a little bit but its not louder.
  14. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    Thanks HolyCrapItsFast. It is not bothering me but it wasn't like that before. So i wondering this is normal and the car is getting old or just an indication for something. Will install a hybrid BOV and request your etune if you are free.
  15. welaish

    The s206!! Would you buy?! Your thoughts?

    Suspension mode are super as well. I read a thread somewhere how to memic it.
  16. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    HolyCrapItsFast thanks. But logic question: If there is no knock shouldn't be the car add timing back if no knock event is detected? Sometimes drive on the same load and car does not add timing or pull more timing in case it is knocking more. Is that normal?
  17. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    Here is the Log. As you can see the WOT Log does not have any knock and it is pretty clean. I get the knock on cruising only, I appreciate any feedback. WOT: Driving...
  18. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    HolyCrapItsFast Alin The fan mod is cool, but complicated setup.
  19. welaish

    Front Mount Inter Cooler

    I dont have a turbo blanket nor downpipe wrap. Will do both and check.