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  1. BAD STI

    New to IGOTASTI

    Welcome to the forum! I bet the STI waiting for you makes your wait to come home even harder. It'll be well worth it. :D
  2. BAD STI


    I totally agree with this. Welcome to the forum. :tup:
  3. BAD STI

    New to the board, not to scoobies

    Welcome to the forum! :tup:
  4. BAD STI

    Shift knob.

    WC Lath Werkz and TWM make some of my favorite knobs. :tup:
  5. BAD STI

    New, and i have a 2011 STI

    Welcome to the forum. :tup:
  6. BAD STI


    Wow! Thats amazing! Great job!
  7. BAD STI

    2013 SRT Viper unveil

    Ahhhh! That makes much more sense. :tup:
  8. BAD STI

    2013 SRT Viper unveil

    You're joking right? You realize the ACR set a record at Nurburgring and left the ZR1 in its dust.. I'm also pretty sure the 2010 SRT10's were a better handling than their competition or at least more track friendly.
  9. BAD STI

    The Official Firearms Thread

    I agree that they are over hyped however I wouldn't say useless. They are extremely accurate due to their fixed barrel. I'll probably get one some day for a range toy. A gas operated pistol is pretty cool.
  10. BAD STI

    2013 SRT Viper unveil

    I just finished reading about this. I am so happy. A viper has always been a childhood dream of mine. I'm glad they're keeping it a competitive performer and not some half assed car.
  11. BAD STI

    New with a 06 STi

    Welcome to the forum! You have the best year and color. :D
  12. BAD STI

    GD my black lover

    Those wheels look great on there. Awesome photos as well. :tup:
  13. BAD STI

    New STi owner.

    Welcome to the forum. I'd look at Invidia for a good priced exhaust and downpipe. :tup:
  14. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    Thanks for the advice guys. I'll keep this thread updated. :tup: BTW that explains why the car gets SOOO much worse after the code trips.
  15. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    Damn... I was about to get excited. LOL
  16. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    I replaced the hose going from the pump to where the stock filter was. I was honestly about to text you regarding this... The issue is not like it was back then where I could recreate it by giving throttle then letting off real quick... But I was wondering if I hadn't really fixed that issue by...
  17. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    Man that looks bad! In their defense I didn't hand it to Cobb to fix. While getting an oil change we spent 15 min or so under the hood discussing it. I'm more than confident they could figure it out. I'd just rather not be without my car for a day and risk paying for several hours of labor on...
  18. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    Yeah its tuned for everything thats on there.
  19. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    Was it a Subaru dealership or performance shop? I feel since it's such an intermittent issue a shop would have a hell of a time finding out what's going on. Cobb looked at it last month and didn't really have much of an idea where to start other than with wire connections (which are all good)...
  20. BAD STI

    Second cam sensor issue in 1 month...

    So everything has been running great for over a month than the car died out of the blue today cruising down the highway at a constant speed. It didn't backfire or anything and started right back up. No CEL with fucking pisses me off. I'd wish somehting would just break so i can fix it.