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  1. BAD STI


    Those numbers are mixed between years. 04 were 5x100 17x7.5 and 05 were 5x114 17x8. There were no 5x100 17x8 for any year..... Either you read wrong or you're not talking about factory rims and you have an 04 you think is an 05. :unsure::unsure::unsure:
  2. BAD STI

    750hp approx underdriven 1985 8-71 supercharged prostreet Chevy S-10

    Man that truck is bad ass! Good luck with the sell.
  3. BAD STI

    popping from the rear..... haha

    My car pops from the rear when I floor it then step on the clutch...:tard: I agree with the others and checking the area's you've modified/ upgraded first.
  4. BAD STI

    Alcohol Injection...

    I know the owner and ran that system. I'd highly recommend it.
  5. BAD STI

    New to Forum hello from Dallas, TX

    Welcome to the forum! Its always good to see more STI's in Dallas. :tup:
  6. BAD STI

    Easy Oil Pickup Install

    Wow awesome job! This will be on the to do list for the winter. Thanks!
  7. BAD STI

    Hello everyone...Reporting from Anchorage Alaska

    Welcome to the forum! :tup:
  8. BAD STI

    Alcohol Injection...

    Holy is right on the money. However I'd say that a 50/50 mix is the way to go. 100% in theory will be better but for knock but a 50/50 mix will already put you well beyond that of 93 octane. The power difference in the mix is also negligible. I am a huge fan of meth injection and ran it for a...
  9. BAD STI

    Weird Electrical Issue

    Glad you figured it out! I wish my cam sensor issue was as simple. I had a similar issue to yours last yeat... It ended up being a loose battery cable. :tard:
  10. BAD STI


    This is how I feel as well. I try to do all my shopping after midnight at 24 hour walmarts... The people shopping are even bigger bottom feeders but there's a lot less of them. :tup:
  11. BAD STI

    GR RDKLSTi ? 518whp/492wtq (MD) 2008 STi

    Car and mod list look great man! :tup:
  12. BAD STI

    Noob mistake

    I researched doing this on purpose once (I could only find electrical contact cleaner at walmart and everywhere else was closed). From what I read it shouldn't do any damage and several have done it. I wouldn't recommend doing it again though. :tup:
  13. BAD STI

    Hello from Fort myers, FL

    Welcome to the forum! :tup:
  14. BAD STI

    Newbie ere

    Welcome to the forum!
  15. BAD STI

    Hi! New guy from TX

    Cool! It will... LOL Happens to me with ANY thing I touch.... cars, guns, computers. :tard:
  16. BAD STI

    new from NC

    Welcome to the forum. Your STI looks great! I can't wait to see more picture. :tup:
  17. BAD STI

    alignment issue after accident

    Frame damage from hitting the curb? I agree that getting a second opinion by a reputable shop is the best thing to do.
  18. BAD STI

    Hi! New guy from TX

    Welcome! What part of this great state are you from?
  19. BAD STI

    New cat from PA

    Welcome to the forum!
  20. BAD STI

    ideas on new turbo

    Sure hope you're getting the engine built! I like the FP black recomendation. FP is literally down the street from us and COBB Plano.