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  1. BAD STI

    Shift knob.

    Oh man that thing is sweet!
  2. BAD STI

    Shift knob.

    Post pics JJ
  3. BAD STI

    My first import car

    Good looking cars! I do like the RSX's too. :tup:
  4. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    It's getting worse lol. My shifter boot is starting to get small tears near the knob base due to it having to be pressed up against the bezel to get into first.I'm waiting on the body shop to get a grill they needed to order before I drop it off again. My daily commute total is less than 10...
  5. BAD STI

    E-Tuning Service for Paying Members

    Wow this is great! I love this new feature.
  6. BAD STI

    New Member From Cali.

    Welcome to the forum!
  7. BAD STI

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Yeah it's all sorts of messed up. Nothing compares to the David Olofson story though. I didn't renew my NRA membership after hearing about it and seeing how they chose to play it safe... AGAIN and sit on their hands. (Not trying to start an NRA debate. I do intend on renewing my membership but...
  8. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Sounds good. I'm hoping its something simple like the rear bushing. Thanks for the advice. :tup:
  9. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Not sure. I emailed the shop about it and am waiting on a response back.
  10. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Just tested it. Someone who's not used to driving the car would totally mistake 4th for second because of the 5" of play LOL.
  11. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Now that I think about it maybe the reason the car died when the person at the shop downshifted is because there's SO MUCH slop he was hitting 4th when trying to hit second. I'm going to test the theory.
  12. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Would the driving of noob at the body shop who said "the car dies when I down shift" (not our pal Colten :lol:) have any chance of causing the issue... I had literally a half inch max of play prior and now have like 4" lol. I upgraded all the bushings to eliminate any slop a while ago and its...
  13. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    I don't think so. I figured since the impact was minor that everything mechanical would be OK and the shop would check it out. :? I blame it on Loupdog/ Colten. :lol:
  14. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    Ok cool thanks. That's along the line of what I was thinking.
  15. BAD STI

    Massive amounts of side to side play in shifter after wreck.

    I got my car back from the body shop yesterday and noticed a massive amount of side to side play in the shifter. It is to the extent that when shifting to 1st or 2nd from neutral the stick literally will slam against the bezel. The impact of the accident was on the passenger side front fender...
  16. BAD STI

    How do you remove the STi reverse ring under the shift knob?

    Wait... Your new knob doesn't fit with the ring? That's going to be a problem man.
  17. BAD STI

    The Official Firearms Thread

    I heard about the McMillan thing. From my personal experience as someone who works for a large bank (not BOA), I'm thinking it's not a corporate policy/ upper level management decision but something that was done on the regional level. The size of McMillan as a company places its banking...
  18. BAD STI

    Turbo Version of Subaru BRZ?s FA-Series Engine Debuts

    Wait.... So the new engine blows up too. Damn it all!
  19. BAD STI

    The Official Firearms Thread

    No problem! I'm glad you were able save some money! I spoke with collect insure on the phone for a bit and they sound like great people to work with. However I hope I'll never have to other than policy renewals. :tup:
  20. BAD STI

    Turbo Version of Subaru BRZ?s FA-Series Engine Debuts
