We're proud to announce the 3rd Annual "Boxers @ Baxter" event for 2017! This year it's a 2-Day event and is the largest Subaru owners event in Nebraska! Saturday, July 15th will expand upon the success we had with last years event. A massive car show, free food and drinks, and giveaways will kick off the weekend in the largest showing of Subarus in the area. Vermont SportsCar is sending their Subaru Rally Team USA Display Program with a rally trailer with video walls and giveaways along with Chris Atkinson's GRC Supercar.

The display will stick around for Day 2 (Sunday, July 16th) as we head to I-80 Speedway to have a joint event with the Nebraska Region SCCA Rallycross Program. With support from Baxter Subaru, we hope to bring more exposure to our local rallycross events as well as bring spectators to watch the action unfold. Additionally, the Nebraska Subaru Owners Club will be organizing a fun scenic route to enjoy. Rallycross Competitors, Workers, Spectators, and NSOC cruise attendees will join up together for a big lunch at I-80 Speedway before the route departs. It should be a great way to finish out the weekend together!

For more details and to sign up, visit the Facebook Event posted on Baxter Subaru's page.
[shadow=gray,left][size=24pt]Boxers @ Baxter 2017[/size][/shadow]
Quick rundown of some details for the event. Here's links to all of the Facebook Event details if you'd like to sign up!
Boxers @ Baxter - July 15th - Car Show
Boxers @ Baxter - July 16th - Rallycross
Boxers @ Baxter - July 16th - Scenic Cruise