Hello All.
I've just joined this forum. I normally don't post introductions upon registering on a forum, but for some reason felt compelled to do so on this one.
Usually, I just lurk behind the shadows and put in my 2 cents when necessary
My name is Dan, and I'm from NY, NY -- Born and raised. Currently living on Long Island, working in Manhattan as a Mgr of Net Ops & Engineering for a commercial ISP.
I came across this forum via a post on the Facebook group called "2015 Subaru STI Launch Edition".
So that leads to what I'm currently driving and the reason why I'm here.

This is my first Subaru, although I have been thinking about owning a WRX or STI before it was even released in the US.
I picked it up from a local dealer in early July.
It feels great to finally have one and have been enjoying it immensely.
My previous ride was a 2003 Honda Element EX AWD 5 Spd, which has remained in the family.
Prior to that was a 1994 Honda Accord EX Coupe 5 Spd (Totaled), and before that a 1988 Honda CRX HF 5 Spd (Parted Out).
I've just joined this forum. I normally don't post introductions upon registering on a forum, but for some reason felt compelled to do so on this one.
Usually, I just lurk behind the shadows and put in my 2 cents when necessary
My name is Dan, and I'm from NY, NY -- Born and raised. Currently living on Long Island, working in Manhattan as a Mgr of Net Ops & Engineering for a commercial ISP.
I came across this forum via a post on the Facebook group called "2015 Subaru STI Launch Edition".
So that leads to what I'm currently driving and the reason why I'm here.

This is my first Subaru, although I have been thinking about owning a WRX or STI before it was even released in the US.
I picked it up from a local dealer in early July.
It feels great to finally have one and have been enjoying it immensely.
My previous ride was a 2003 Honda Element EX AWD 5 Spd, which has remained in the family.
Prior to that was a 1994 Honda Accord EX Coupe 5 Spd (Totaled), and before that a 1988 Honda CRX HF 5 Spd (Parted Out).