The above picture is just one of the many things Gino stuffs into his trunk for an autox.

But based on last season Here's what I bring
-Gino (He brings all the knowledge and tools)
-Spare fluids (1 qt oil, power steering fluid, brake fluid)
-empty bottles for when I bleed lines
-tools (My buddy Nolan, Allen wrenches, a few sockets, screwdriver, gerber, knife,tire pressure gauge)
-small 2 man tent to throw my stuff in
-1 case of water
-cooler w/ ice for drinks
-chef boyardee to leave on the pavement to warm up
-spare wheels
-rain jacket and a change of clothes
-sleeping bag + pillow if It's an out of town race.
-painters tape for people who need it
-number magnets
-duct tape (for mounting my droid to the dash lol)
-notebook and pens for documenting suspension changes, tire pressures, and times
-then of course the helmet and gloves.