Oh god here we go.
-HK USPc .40 (Hogue HandAll grip sleeve, night sights
-Frankenstein build AR
-Walther P22 blue
-Remington 770 .243 WIN
-Remington 870 Express Tactical
Pics? Ok.
Just did some work to the AR a few days ago. Installed a Spikes engraved ejection port cover and Troy Medieval flash hider. If you have to ask about the dust cover, you need to leave this thread.
Sorry for the huge size, Photobucket hates me. Use this opportunity to get a larger monitor.

The AR is the following setup:
-Spikes ST-15 lower
-Bravo Company 16" 1:7 midlength 5.56
-LWRC lower parts kit
-Bravo Company bolt carrier group
-VLTOR EMod stock
-Everything else is Magpul.

MOE handguards, MBUS, MIAD, MVG, trigger guard, ASAP/RSA.
Oh the BAD lever is gone, I traded that for the Troy Medieval. Don't want to get into any bad habits since my work gun doesn't have a BAD lever.
Gratuitous pictures of my new car: