Decrease in power?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Hopefully you never need to use any of it as I have :lol: but I've found that extra fuel hose is quite useful as well.


Meat Product Toy

Reset the ECU after you do the fix. Pull the negative battery terminal for a few. This will allow the ECU to relearn its fueling, etc. give it some slow steady driving with little to no boost for several miles. After a few cold starts, she should be good to go and repopulated with the new parameters.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
:lol: No, I opened the hood one day after smelling gas and saw it spraying all over. Had to replace a few hoses.


New member
Since were talking about that hose, whats the name of that entire line? With the metal piping that connects from the left side to the right side and is attached to the tmic?

Cylinder Head Vent breather line. Mouthful, but accurate.

The tear in that hose may cause a fairly substantial vacuum leak. In CL fueling, the car will correct for the disparity in fueling. However, in OL, the vac leak may be gross enough to put the IAM below 0.5 and the ECU will pull timing and boost.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Is that why it needs to be cleaned once in a while? Mine was nassttyyyyy last year.


New member
Is that why it needs to be cleaned once in a while? Mine was nassttyyyyy last year.

Yep. Blowby exits through the PCV and the cylinder head vents. As you know, the EJ motors (particularly the EJ25x variants) are known for excessive blowby.

I was recently working on a friend's EJ255, and the car was just pissing oil out of the cylinder head vents. yikes.