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  1. BAD STI

    New Member, 2012 STI ordered

    Welcome to the forum! :tup:
  2. BAD STI

    PC build

    Damn it... I totally forgot about your setup. :(
  3. BAD STI

    PC build

    Yeah I wanted an ASUS video card or at least one with a reputable brand but everything was sold out. I had the choice between HIS or Power Color and went with Power Color for $250. They chips are all Radeon so I doubt it matters much.
  4. BAD STI

    PC build

    That's awesome! I'm glad I spent the extra money on it. It's going to be nice having a fast PC and not having to wait 2 hours for itunes to sync lol.
  5. BAD STI

    PC build

    Parts are coming from amazon and new egg. Any places that had the components slightly less was off set by the cost of shipping. I have amazon prime with 2 day shipping and new egg ships 3 days which was important so that I can work on the cards for JJ this weekend (after work, a b-day party, and...
  6. BAD STI

    PC build

    LOL! License plates maybe.
  7. BAD STI

    PC build

    You have a $1225 charge on your credit card. :-o
  8. BAD STI

    PC build

    Shut your mouth or else I'll use my awesome PC to design you cards that look like HolyCrap's avatar. :lol:
  9. BAD STI

    PC build

    Thanks! I meant to add some to my amazon cart earlier but forgot. I just ordered some now.
  10. BAD STI

    PC build

    Yeah I just spontaneously decided to do this. I literally never use my PC except for what ever I help JJ with. My net book, ipad, and work PC take care of everything else. With my car in the shop from a wreck (that may have been my fauld :?) and a $500 deductible rather than tightening my belt I...
  11. BAD STI

    PC build

    My current primary computer is a laptop I bought in 2007 that has done a decent job but is showing its age. JJ's going to fly to Texas and kick my ass if I don't work on some media projects for him so I decided its time to upgrade. This will be a "budget" build. Budget meaning I will resist my...
  12. BAD STI

    The new guy, 07 STi

    Welcome to the forum! :tup:
  13. BAD STI

    IC Spray.........

    How long have you had the car and how long has the issue been happening?
  14. BAD STI

    Turbo Upgrade Thoughts

    The car goes into safe mode cutting boost reducing timing and increasing fueling preventing any failures. :D This is a debate for another thread though. Back to the OP's turbo build. :tup:
  15. BAD STI

    Turbo Upgrade Thoughts

    Awesome thanks! ? Vs 93 octaine.... How do you figure that?
  16. BAD STI

    Turbo Upgrade Thoughts

    Hmmm.... Can you post evidence of its superiority to the 20gxt? I could have sworn the 20g spooled quicker but the 1.5 had more top end. Also Microsnook, In the sake of playing devils advocate... why no meth? Its cheap, easy to use, safe, and you can accomplish your power goals on a much...
  17. BAD STI

    Use your phone as a dash cam, and why you might want to.

    This is pretty cool. I'll have to find out which is the best for IOS.
  18. BAD STI

    Detailer's Domain: BMW 135i New Car Prep and Clear Film Installation

    Astonishing work as always! Where are you guys located out of again?
  19. BAD STI

    Best $5 you can spend before you go to the track (seatbelt lock)

    Great advice. I've heard of these and will get one when I start auto crossing again. :tup: