I have a Dom 1.5 and can tell you absolute confidence that it skull stomps all of its competitors. Spools better than a 20xtr and flows better. The fp green is one journal bearing which means more lag and more wear on your oil along with it just being less efficient. an 18 will be way to small and honestly is not worth the price for an STI. Also the Dom 1.5 with right mods which you have) will hit 350 no problem. Also I can that the power delivery is a hell of a lot better. Instead of coming at you in one huge chunk and then winding down it comings on smooth and just builds from there to red line. It makes the car feel like it has a v8 instead of a little 4 banger,..
Im almost positive this is the turbo that I want to go with. The DOM 1.5...
Hmmm.... Can you post evidence of its superiority to the 20gxt? I could have sworn the 20g spooled quicker but the 1.5 had more top end.
Also Microsnook,
In the sake of playing devils advocate... why no meth? Its cheap, easy to use, safe, and you can accomplish your power goals on a much "safer" tune. $600 for 30+ whp and less chance of detonation seems like a no brainier to me. (sorry... I have a tendency to push meth on those who haven't tried it). :lol:
Haha, nice joke. Well I just don't want to have to shell out money for extra things and have to maintain it, etc. Like I said in the OP, I wanted to keep things as simple as possible.
Why yes I can mister smarty pants
Top Speed did a very thorough test of the turbo and compared it too the 20gxtr with is the upgraded version of the 20g. It performed better in every category.
@op- Also Meth would be a great addition for your build. I my self have a meth kit just waiting to go on. I would suggest though getting rid of the FMIC. waste of money on any small to medium sized turbo build. adds a crap load of lag and delays throttle response substantially. With anything 20g sized a FMIC is much much, even a stock GR sti TMIC will net you the goals you want, so I would go with an upgrade TMIC instead.
The FMIC came with the car when I bought it, so I would have to sell it to go back to the TMIC, which Im not sure I want to deal with. The labor or uninstalling it (Plus I'm a noob) and then install the other one. I know there will be some lag, but I can deal with that, it won't kill me
I see internet wizardy followed by experience.
Here's what I will say:
Supporting mods are more important than what brand of turbo you choose. Get your supporting mods setup correctly and you will be fine. Although some of the mods you have there already put you at a disadvantage.... the GS MBC hits a boost then climbs to redline (bad Ju Ju IMO) and I hate perrin products.
Well, Ill just name names and I went to Punisher Performance in Orlando here and spoke with the owner and the Tuner, and they recommended the GC MBC for multiple reasons so thats what I went with, trusting them. Could've done some more research I suppose.
Also, the FMIC was already part of the buy...Everyone has their things. Im not super picky, because I don't know a whole lot, I'm still learning, but it works for me now and its less money Ill have to shell out for another intercooler...
Yes, he would like to stay on the stock block and go with a smaller sized turbo which means he does not want have to deal with a laggy setup. I am looking at a couple dyno plots of FP greens on STI's and they all are rather later spooling turbos. They cross the 300tq mark some time after 4500rpms. Where as the Dom 1.5 is coming on a full grand sooner... For a daily driven moderate horse power car, the Dom wins out dude.
Call it what you will, but empirical data always wins in the end. While yes the supporting mods are important, the op already pretty much has his bases covered with those. He needs advise on a good new turbo that will net him the power he would like, with out having to require a new block.
@Op- In the end you are the only person who can decide which turbo to go with. I have a Dom 1.5 and love it. Every one else I have talked to who has one loves theirs just as much. This is a very quick spooling turbo just don't expect 35r type numbers out of it but for the 400whp range you will be set. Also, no you will not need to build your engine or even do TGV deletes if you don't want to. So long as you pick a good tuner you will be set. I can't stress this last part enough. The tune will either make or break this build it is far more important than anything else.
@fuji- I thought you liked MBC's?
Yes, I definitely want to stay with the stock block. Thanks for acknowledging that.
Thats what I forgot to mention!!! I was thinking about going with TGV deletes....Most likely will since it won't be too expensive but will net me some extra power.
Does it make anything safer by doing the TGV deletes?
So most of my bases are covered and Im glad you stated that.
And yes 350 is great for me, 400 is ridiculous! But I wouldn't say no
For my tuner, the only place Ive seen here in orlando is Punisher Performance and Rev Works.
Ive heard of places down in Palm Beach, but thats a drive, much farther than orlando. And most likely Im going to have the parts installed, although I would REALLY like to learn to do it myself. (my friend could help me but we might not have the means)
Another question! Should I consider headers? EL...
Thanks for all the help guys, this means a lot. Im just trying to see what I can pull off without selling my body