2008-14 STi Front Lip SKIRT (that goes on the front lip spoiler) ADDS another 5bhp, so I'm told 
I bought it from Japanparts, cost about ?50 + the usual shipping and vat + handling fees etc etc
Tools needed:
screwdrivers to remove bumper clips
Drill with 5mm plastic/wood drill bit.
fine marker pen
and a sharp Stanley blade to trim the rubber skirt.
tape measure
a cloth + meths to clean the surface.
I removed the front bumper so I could get to it easier plus my car goes in on Wednesday to get an 'O' ring replaced on the a/c
So used the opportunity to have the bumper off and fit the front SKIRT.
Once off, try and follow the Japanese STi instruction sheet best you can. Clean the surface with meths to remove any dirt etc. Mark off the ends where you will cut it off. Keeping away from the curve of the front lip spoiler as your Skirt tape won't stick to the bend. It works out about 1cm from where you can see the curve edge starting to form. Use something to do a straight line, I used a straight edge bit of mud guard metal bracket that I had spare, it was small and straight.
Don't worry if it doesn't look lined up straight - like mine is. the tickness of the SKIRT won't be effected by this line, your only needing a guide to where to cut it off.
In the instructions (as I did have a Japanese friend who read the warning notices out to me) it says about warning the 3m adhesive tape to help it bond to the surface of the front lip spoiler, so i used a hair dryer warning the tape as I applied it (removing the backing bit by bit as i went along the length of the spoiler). Line up the SKIRT to the back edge of the front LIP SPOILER. This keeps you at the right distance from the front of the LIP Spoiler.
I started one end with the good cut edge, tehn once I got to the other end I cut the excess off with scissors, ready to trim it to size properly.
Now, the instruction say you should cut 'V's in the skirt where you come to bends. I found I didn't have any kinks that needed to have the 'V's cutting into the stick on side. Fingers crossed it hold on. I know the MY11 front lips are slightly more aggressive on teh shape, so you may want to cut the Vs where needed.
Once all on and you've trimmed the end to the correct size, using the line you marked at the beginning (again I used the straight edge of metal to keep it neat.
Go over the whole lot with the warm hair dryer pressing it firmly as you go.
Now, mark 15mm from the ends and and drill your 5mm hole, allowing room for the fastener to fit nicely against the trim. You can offer up the fastener stud to see where is best to centre your drill bit.
With the rest of the Fasteners evenly space the around the SKIRT to help it keep in place, where the shape of the SKIRT started to bend round (where you could cut 'V's into it) I put three fasteners around that area to keep the SKIRT secure.
When you've done all the fasteners.. check the SKIRT is firmly down against the Front lip spoiler.
Shame I've previously scrapped the front skirt on stuff
Hope it helps someone fitting their's.
I bought it from Japanparts, cost about ?50 + the usual shipping and vat + handling fees etc etc
Tools needed:
screwdrivers to remove bumper clips
Drill with 5mm plastic/wood drill bit.
fine marker pen
and a sharp Stanley blade to trim the rubber skirt.
tape measure
a cloth + meths to clean the surface.
I removed the front bumper so I could get to it easier plus my car goes in on Wednesday to get an 'O' ring replaced on the a/c
So used the opportunity to have the bumper off and fit the front SKIRT.

Once off, try and follow the Japanese STi instruction sheet best you can. Clean the surface with meths to remove any dirt etc. Mark off the ends where you will cut it off. Keeping away from the curve of the front lip spoiler as your Skirt tape won't stick to the bend. It works out about 1cm from where you can see the curve edge starting to form. Use something to do a straight line, I used a straight edge bit of mud guard metal bracket that I had spare, it was small and straight.

Don't worry if it doesn't look lined up straight - like mine is. the tickness of the SKIRT won't be effected by this line, your only needing a guide to where to cut it off.
In the instructions (as I did have a Japanese friend who read the warning notices out to me) it says about warning the 3m adhesive tape to help it bond to the surface of the front lip spoiler, so i used a hair dryer warning the tape as I applied it (removing the backing bit by bit as i went along the length of the spoiler). Line up the SKIRT to the back edge of the front LIP SPOILER. This keeps you at the right distance from the front of the LIP Spoiler.

I started one end with the good cut edge, tehn once I got to the other end I cut the excess off with scissors, ready to trim it to size properly.

Now, the instruction say you should cut 'V's in the skirt where you come to bends. I found I didn't have any kinks that needed to have the 'V's cutting into the stick on side. Fingers crossed it hold on. I know the MY11 front lips are slightly more aggressive on teh shape, so you may want to cut the Vs where needed.
Once all on and you've trimmed the end to the correct size, using the line you marked at the beginning (again I used the straight edge of metal to keep it neat.
Go over the whole lot with the warm hair dryer pressing it firmly as you go.
Now, mark 15mm from the ends and and drill your 5mm hole, allowing room for the fastener to fit nicely against the trim. You can offer up the fastener stud to see where is best to centre your drill bit.

With the rest of the Fasteners evenly space the around the SKIRT to help it keep in place, where the shape of the SKIRT started to bend round (where you could cut 'V's into it) I put three fasteners around that area to keep the SKIRT secure.

When you've done all the fasteners.. check the SKIRT is firmly down against the Front lip spoiler.

Shame I've previously scrapped the front skirt on stuff

Hope it helps someone fitting their's.