Daniel Claire Parker
New member
My Name is Daniel and I have been a proud owner of a 2004 Urabus Impreza STi. I bought him back in the day (which was a Wednesday) in August of 2011. He was pretty much stock besides wheels and exhaust when i got him at 168k for $9,000. I know it was a steal and couldn't refuse the awesomeness after i test drove him in lower Alabama. Since then, he has slowly transformed into a Cobra eating machine. I'm not joking... no seriously... fine here is the link geez
When he was still stockish I was having fun tearing up catfish Camaros and Hondas from a dig... He felt untouchable most the time and a joy all the time. Until he spun a bearing at 178k in 2012. I was distrought... it wasn't even from racing... i was literally driving him back from a friend's house. I went over some railroad tracks and he died... literally... I was like Da Fuq??? So I cranked him back up and I knew it was already time to put some time and money into him... it wasn't until 2013 when I finally got him rebuilt... and why not bore out the block a lil...
so he has 100mm Wiseco Pistons, Eagle H Beam rods, and a new crank with ACL race bearings. What more could i ask for... oh yeah... Some big Brian Crower Stage 3 280 Cams... and man did it purrr like a kitten... well when i still had the UEL headers. Drove it for about a year until i decided to finally upgrade the turbo, intercooler, injectors, fuel pump, and NOS... (just kidding... no NOS 4 u). After looking around and searching... at first i wanted the Blouch Dom 3 ... big and what i wanted with goals in terms of power... but was still on the search train... then Cavalli came out with some pretty sweet turbos and I wanted to try them out but kept looking. Then... I found that sweet sweet FP Black. 84mm inlet and 68lb compressor wheel. And it was on sale
. After I found and ordered my turbo (while i was deployed ughh) I started looking at my options for an I/C. I wanted to go FMIC but decided to stay with some top mount goodness because easier and i didn't want to pay for a FMIC... i mean they are the same price but plus piping and it's like 400-500 dollars more... (I'm cheap i know) Found my Grimmspeed and i was good to go... except the injectors (1100cc DW) and fuel pump (AEM 320lph) i upgraded to wasn't enough to get into the sweet spot of the turbo with e85 (was pushing 392AWHP/345AWTQ @19lbs with that setup). Sure pump gas i was fine and had plenty... but come on... Corn fuel is Race fuel... and it's good... real good. finally upgraded to a top feed system with ID2000 injectors and up to a Walbro 450lph pump... needless to say my last tune with e85 put me at 470AWHP/445AWTQ at only... wait... I'm not going to tell you ... muahahahaaaa.... I'm going to let you guys guess how much boost I'm pushing
come on... it'll be fun... But yeah that's my STi story... oh and in the middle of all this craziness I met my wife and she has had 2 WRXs ... long story on why the second one.. but she currently owns a 2015 "Ghost" white WRX... It's stock.. ish.. i mean it has 1 upgrade... well a few if you count stickers but only one that i think counts... Nameless axleback. It was a good upgrade... reduced the wait and freeeeeeeeeeeedomed some air. Well to all that listened to this story, there was a lot i left out with mini upgrades like A/C delete (yeah ALL OF IT), Mitsimoto Rad, KSTech 83mm SRI, EL headers, motor/trans mount upgrade, Tranny rebuild (3rd gear died... Silly Sychros, grindings for kids), Halmann MBC, FPR, guages, and a new dexron dexcron... no dexron STi Shifter... well there were most of the mini upgrades (besides the major trans upgrade) Thanks again for listening to my STi story... Now i have to spend a year overseas without it... good thing my wife can drive it.... sob:sob:sob:

I'll add more posts to this later... it's just late and i have to wake up early... g'night Ya'll
When he was still stockish I was having fun tearing up catfish Camaros and Hondas from a dig... He felt untouchable most the time and a joy all the time. Until he spun a bearing at 178k in 2012. I was distrought... it wasn't even from racing... i was literally driving him back from a friend's house. I went over some railroad tracks and he died... literally... I was like Da Fuq??? So I cranked him back up and I knew it was already time to put some time and money into him... it wasn't until 2013 when I finally got him rebuilt... and why not bore out the block a lil...

I'll add more posts to this later... it's just late and i have to wake up early... g'night Ya'll