any suggestions?


New member
If you put the work into it and you know the right technique, darker colors are straight beautiful. White and silver just seem boring, but with the right accents it can really pop!


New member

Just walked outside and took another pic of my 14. Can't get enough of this car.
This was 07 Sti I traded (regretfully) for a 2012 legacy.


New member
Well I wouldn't have my brand new 2014 STi if I would have never traded for the legacy. Having the 07 made me fall in love with these cars and Subaru. Especially since I work on cars for a living. I rarely see Subaru's let alone STi's in the shop.


New member
The only 2 cars I've ever bought new. I traded the legacy with 36420 miles on it. It had 12 miles when I bought it.


New member
I like my 14 better honestly. The SI-drive for the DCCD is better than in the 07. The interior is nicer, the stereo is better. But in all honesty I wish I would have waited for the 15. Because it has all the features that my legacy had but in an STi.


New member
Yet I had put about $2500 into my 07 so it was A LOT faster. Lol! Soon as my warranty expires I'm gonna do the same things to this one as I did to my 07.


New member
More options and more control. The 07 only had the up and down adjustment. Which this does as well but it has 3 more adjustment in auto mode and it has 3 different modes to choose from. Intelligent mode, which almost feels like it dumbs down the$ car. Sport mode which gives more throttle response and sport sharp mode which unleashes the cars true potential. You can FEEL the difference. It's quite impressive.


New member
Understandable. But wouldn't that be just like setting your dccd to your driving conditions. Then putting the tune in you want? Say if you wanted intel. In your 07 you would just stay in auto then go to a conservative tune?


New member
It is quicker that having to pull out your access port haha. The 15 it's going to be BA. I want one: )