Agreed... Mine is no where near the sophistication but I never really meant for this to be a mainstream product. It is a home brew thing I created because I wanted a really accurate true boost reading with baro comp and with features that a tuner would like.
The differences mine has over the VBG-1 is that the VBG-1 applies barometric comp on start up only. Mine does baro comp at every display refresh. Mine also datalogs to SD and allows you to dump that data to the USB for use in a spreadsheet. I can also store variables on the SD card that the user can change if he wants his warning and alert alarms to occur at a different times or if he wants a different message to appear during the opening ceremony. It also has a 0-5v output so you can use it as a MAP sensor for use with a stand alone ECU or a stand alone datalogger.
I need to work on the display though but that is such a long way off it's not funny
Oh and if you want, it becomes a really expensive clock at the flip of a switch
My car doesn't have a clock so I wanted that built in.