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Diehard Car Enthusiast!
It feels as good as it looks. Smooth and fast.

You should monitor your mpg as well. My mpg is insane. I mever thought itd be so good. I bet yours are up there too! :tup:
I will for sure. It is just crazy to me the difference in a quality tune and what I was on before. Oh and the amount of time the Holycrapitsfast spent on. my tune: and he even helped get my wideband working.. This makes being a member worth every penny.


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Diehard Car Enthusiast!
[MENTION=9]HolyCrapItsFast[/MENTION] i just noticed you didnt list what injectors [MENTION=1868]Boogieman98[/MENTION] has!


Drinks beer!
Douchewerks I think

They where insanely easy to tune what ever they are.
So what if one is just running a stage one off the shelf cobb map and just would like some one to lookies for anything troublesome? I've noticed my feedback knock and fine knock learning numbers starting to move on my APV3.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
So what if one is just running a stage one off the shelf cobb map and just would like some one to lookies for anything troublesome? I've noticed my feedback knock and fine knock learning numbers starting to move on my APV3.

Weve got you covered. Talk to holycrapitsfast and see what parameters he wants you to log. :tup:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Bump! Any new graphs that can be shown to us? It's been 16 months! :lol: [MENTION=9]HolyCrapItsFast[/MENTION]


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Lifetime Platinum Members get free etunes!!! ;)


Drinks beer!
I had to update the requirements due to the unavailability of AccessTuner Race. If requesting a tune please be aware that all AccessPort platform tunes require the the use of RomRaide and a Tactrix to log the wideband gauge.

See the first post for details.


Drinks beer!
Yes sir precisely! :tup: That is the option we will be exploring and testing together. I make vague reference to this method in the first post update.


Drinks beer!
Without divulging too much. This is a speed density tune that I have been working on recently with a forum member. This is the most complex tune so far utilizing most of the custom Cobb features and full time speed density. This represents the Ethanol tune so far and the next step for this car is to complete the full FlexFuel implementation with a 93 tune. But for now there is this, I'm quite pleased with the results. I believe these results to be significantly better than a recent dyno tune by Cobb on the same car but that is likely due to the fact that they are constrained by time. I don't really have such a constraint.



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Without divulging too much. This is a speed density tune that I have been working on recently with a forum member. This is the most complex tune so far utilizing most of the custom Cobb features and full time speed density. This represents the Ethanol tune so far and the next step for this car is to complete the full FlexFuel implementation with a 93 tune. But for now there is this, I'm quite pleased with the results. I believe these results to be significantly better than a recent dyno tune by Cobb on the same car but that is likely due to the fact that they are constrained by time. I don't really have such a constraint.

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You do awesome work George which is why I can't wait to get my car put together. I'm hoping by April my sti will be ready for you to do a speed density tune on 92 octane.

If I knew your plate wasn't so full I'd recommend some people to join the forum and use you as their tuner but they are all Subaru swapped VW's so you'd have some real odd tunes to do.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
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