I'll be around!
Welllll, a short update. (I'm procrastinating since I have a final paper due tomorrow)
First, the STI is sold. It went to a seemingly deserving college kid out in Boulder. The process of selling a car out-of-state is quite annoying, but everything worked out ok in the end. But dealing with shipping, escrow agreement, contingencies, etc... was a real pain in my ass.
I've taken a new position within my company that has me working in an area without internet access, so I can't get on to read the forums as often as I'd like. I'm also just about to start my last semester of my MBA program, which has made sure that I don't have any free time. That was part of the reason I sold the STI: I didn't have time to tinker and drive it like I used to. In the mean time, it was just accumulating parking tickets and depreciating. I may [soon] find myself back in a Subaru, but until classes are over and the rest of my life is figured out, the timing was right to sell.
I'm also waiting to hear back about a position at FCA. I've got my fingers crossed, but something new is always a little scary. First, it would require moving to Detroit, when my network and family is in the DC area. Second, I'm not sure what it'll pay. I want to get into the automotive industry, but I dont know how big of a pay cut I'd be willing to take to move to detroit. I didn't love detroit when I was there for a day. And the FCA offices are really far out (vs Ford or GM). I like my city living!
I do like the idea of a FCA discount, but pretty much anything they make will either be RWD (bad for Detroit) or too expensive given the presumed pay cut. But Alfa has some enticing cars right now! But, of course, after just selling the Subaru, I may be faced with moving to a super snowy area with only a RWD car not well suited to snow and salt.
I'm going to do my best to stay active here (I know, I've been bad semester left!). It'll take me a while to get current on who's-who-in-the-zoo, and what Subaru has been up to. But i'll be here!
Ok, now back to work!
I did PM you about this at the time, right?Yeah, I'm trying to change roles AND industries. The double-change is a killer! My background is engineering, but I havent done "engineering" since I graduated. I'm trying to get into marketing/strategy type roles. What company does your girlfriend work for, and does she know anyone that's in a hiring-type role for marketing/strategy? If so, i'd definitely shoot over a resume and cover letter and cross my fingers!