How do you guys deal with this??


New member
I re-read that and that sounds bad hahaha I pull around and pick her up eventually lol she's a real good wife hahah


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
I re-read that and that sounds bad hahaha I pull around and pick her up eventually lol she's a real good wife hahah


Thats funny! Im sure youre just saying that so it doesnt sound too bad! ;)



Diehard Car Enthusiast!
This i how i deal with it.... Park like an asshole.

We cant do that in ohio. We get a $50 parking ticket.... Epsecially if its an eye popping wrb sti....



New member
Parking ticket ? You mean "Law Enforcement Donation " or "Parking Tax" ..... I had a stack of those in my glovebox.... Payment optional. I pay enough taxes.


New member
I usually will park next to other higher priced cars or cars who have been given tlc. If none are there, then I'm parking solo at the end of the lot. I then turn to my wife to get the look and say: "THINK OF THE PEOPLE YOU WILL MEET!"
Maybe its because of where I live, I don't see much vandalism on Subaru's. I'm at a suburb of Buffalo. Orchard Park to be exact. You can say my town is not very "diverse". Maybe its just me, but I park as far away from the door as possible, but still in view of a building camera. Also I tend to stay around places of good nature and not a lot of crime. I do not intend any harmful words to anyone on here. Just trying to get my point across.

Also for the Subaru key fob, I have a stock Subaru key fob, but my alarm is super sensitive, I also noticed it doesn't give the normal Subaru beeps, its a softer higher pitched beep, any reason for this? I'm assuming I have an aftermarket security system... I would parallel park on my dead end street. I'm about the second last house on the street. When someone in a normal everyday vehicle, like a quiet mini-van would drive by my alarm it would give the two (warning beeps), and sometimes it would go off when say a garbage truck picks up the trash, the alarm would go nuts and start screaming without giving a warning.
Or if you have an Acessport you can put it in Anti-theft mode, the injectors wont pulsate at all ;)
So anti-theft mode it is. F****** hoodlums


New member
Its a pain in the dick though because you need to plug-in and un-plug those green wires... And wait 15min to load tune. They can try to steal my car if they want.... The average person wouldn't get too far anyways because of how its setup.


New member
Its a pain in the dick though because you need to plug-in and un-plug those green wires... And wait 15min to load tune. They can try to steal my car if they want.... The average person wouldn't get too far anyways because of how its setup.

15 mins to load what tune? Are y talking about on an AP?


New member
Yeah when you use anti-theft. It disables everything, then you have to reload it when you turn it off. It just takes a little while. I wouldn't suggest doing it if your on a short trip to the store. I only use it when the car is going to be parked for a significant amount of time.


New member
Ok I just reflashed my stage 2+ map in my car and typed this at the same time and done son!! That was like 16.9 seconds


New member
Lol I'm trolling u a bit but I don't remember ever sitting that long and I have flashed all the maps to my vehicular just to toy with it


Track Monkey
the green wires are a PITA though. You have to contort yourself under the dash in a decidedly undignified manner.