Iphone 6 and 6+


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Whose getting one?


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Are you an android guy? :lol:


System Operator
Staff member
Yes sir!


Diehard Car Enthusiast!


Ive had both and i prefer ios. :)
:lol: I prefer my androids to be tablets. If I told you what job I do for a living you would say whaaaaaa? And I don't use android phones too haha.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Tell us tell us!! [MENTION=3232]CSF707[/MENTION]
PM Sent! lols

You know something funny? Googlers use Macbook Air's and Pros all over the place ahaha true story!


Drinks beer!
I'm a big Android guy. More customizable. Had the Iphone and hated it.
Android has some cool features but the problems I is the support for third party peripherals. It will get better time goes on but in the meantime apple is winning.


New member
Im taking my iphone out into my yard and shooting it as soon as i get my new Windows lumia 1520. Cortana's gonna beat Siris ass!


New member
Because i hate my iPhone. They come out with a brand new one every 6mnths, and force me up update to a different IOS for bugs that arent even for my phone, which ends up making me delete apps/pictures/videos etc. just to free up space to do an update for a phone that i don't even have! Its fucking stupid.