New to the site


New member
Hello all slacker here in the seattle area. I have a 2004 wrx sti fully stock. so how do you post pics here . nice to meet you all


New member
Welcome to the group. You can post one of 2 ways, become a sponsoring memeber and pictures are hosted by the forum or use a third party host. Definitly a great site to be apart of and when you become a premium member you get a free shirt and other goodies as well :)


Track Monkey
A virgin 2004!! Nice! How many miles, and are you the first owner?

Do you plan to modify it at all?


Drinks beer!
Hello and Welcome! :D

Check out the member's journals and feel free to start your own! :tup:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Welcome! I wanna see this "virgin" sti!