new too the forum


New member
hey everyone new too the forum, Heard about it from a girl i just met pulling the engine from her car haha said it was way better then nasioc. I am building my subaru right now its an 02 wrx with ej257, Darton sleeved , 100mm cp pistons, manley rods, 06 sti heads pnp, 272 gsc cams, stainless intake and enconal exhaust valves, dual super tech titanium springs and retainers, full fuel system i will start a journal keep everyone updated.


System Operator
Staff member
:welcome: to the team. You must be talking about Jenna, lol. :)


System Operator
Staff member
Hows that going?


Track Monkey

Sounds like a pretty beastly build! And yes, way better than the other forums!


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Welcome comrade! Post pics of car!


Drinks beer!
Welcome and enjoy!

Check out the member's journals and feel free to start your own!


New member
Welcome to the group! You will be very satisfied with this forum! Can't wait to read up more on the build!!


New member
Welcome to the forum. Always a great atmosphere here and no stupid shit. If you got questions don't be afraid to post and get advise from everyone here. Always better to ask first then do rather then the other way around.

Robert Viehweger

Daily Driver
Glad to have you with us man! If you need any assistance with anything at all, please give us a shout. Everyone works together here. Resistance is futile! :p