6 years?!?! Holy moly!
But that's some great numbers. How does it feel on the street? Track?
Care to elaborate on the issues with the first shop and the comparison to the 2nd?
Literally took delivery, drove it home, then work called and sent me out of town, lol. Shop to my house is about 20 miles, and it feels really smooth. As smooth as youre going to get driving a dogbox at slow speeds/rpm. Ive never handled 700whp and its been so long since i have driven it. I am easing into the throttle right now.
First shop was a very knowledgeable guy who broke away from a larger performance shop in Lewis Center, OH as they were closing doors. He got his own small shop and carried over a few projects including mine. He couldnt keep good techs, took on too many big projects, couldnt keep in cash flow, and his business partner made big finance mistakes with the company. So big projects got put to the side for years and things started happening with parts. I finally decided it was time to move on and many parts i had paid for were not actually on the car nor some of the labor was done as he said it was. Dude was always really hard to get ahold of too. Great tech, bad luck, bad business owner/manager.
I moved to Colorado and made sure to research a reputable scooby shop as i have a very unique build. I met with the techs, tuner, and the owner before choosing Mofab LLC. They have a great customer base and are well known in the area for their motorsports. Nick their tuner is highly rated in the rocky mountain area. And the customer service has been great.