oil filter?!


New member
Im currently in stationed in Germany, and cannot find an oil filter. Ya, thats right, an oil filter?! Any ideas where to find one locally, so I dont have to wait on one in the mail?


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Welcome to IGOTASTI.COM!! Lets see if one if these guys can help you out:


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I assume you already checked the Base Exchanges in your area? @STi FR3AK may be able to help you, he was stationed in Germany for a while.

Personally, I'd try to order a few from Amazon. Maybe you can have them shipped to a local address instead of an FPO/APO/AP/AE military address, because as I'm sure you know, they put the snail in snail mail. :lol:


New member
I havent tried to order any yet. I checked my local "car care" center and all they carry is fram and my car is too new and they dont carry the filter I need. A buddy of mine checked the local car parts store in town and they didnt even have a STi in their computers! Online it is I guess


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I always use a K&N model HP-1008. I believe that model should fit most, if not all, Impreza models. Maybe see if they have it, or any other filter available, for a 2.5L Impreza.


New member
Ya when I searched it online that came up. Thats the one I want, and the guy you recommended is stationed where I just left. Small world right?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
It sure is. I once went ashore in Hong Kong and ran into a girl I had dated briefly in high school, who happened to be on another ship that was making a port call.


System Operator
Staff member


I used whatever the care center had :( I'm now back to running k&n.