OT: Count To A Million Game!


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
3134 yayyyy

You know... In another dimension.. Your car is being towed to a junk yard!



System Operator
Staff member

Isn't it a fake STi?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


System Operator
Staff member

No wing no friends.



Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Drinks beer!


No wing, no cops.

That shit is wrapped up, in a sleeping bag for safe keeping, in my garage.

Cops cant give you a ticket for a wing... know your rights. :tup:

Federal law allows it and the state does not have the right to make laws that contradict or countermand federal law. In NY a cop tried to give me a ticket for my wing and I fought it and won. My precedence was Article 9 paragraph 325 section 10 of the New York VTL that states any permanent structure at the rear of the car which may impede vision out of the rear view mirror is deemed acceptable should the car have both a left and a right side mirror.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Cops cant give you a ticket for a wing... know your rights. :tup:

Federal law allows it and the state does not have the right to make laws that contradict or countermand federal law. In NY a cop tried to give me a ticket for my wing and I fought it and won. My precedence was Article 9 paragraph 325 section 10 of the New York VTL that states any permanent structure at the rear of the car which may impede vision out of the rear view mirror is deemed acceptable should the car have both a left and a right side mirror.

Of course they can't.

Believe me, I know my rights. That being said, knowing your rights doesn't stop police from using my big wing as a visual bullseye for targeting.

I'm not saying that I've been given a citation for the wing, but I actually have been told by an asshat cop that "that huge wing made you a target", right after he pulled me over due to "excessive exhaust noise" when the car was still 100% factory stock.

I just prefer to blend in, because there ARE cops that look for that sort of thing.
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Meat Product Toy

Of course they can't.

Believe me, I know my rights. That being said, knowing your rights doesn't stop police from using my big wing as a visual bullseye for targeting.

I'm not saying that I've been given a citation for the wing, but I actually have been told by an asshat cop that "that huge wing made you a target", right after he pulled me over due to "excessive exhaust noise" when the car was still 100% factory stock.

I just prefer to blend in, because their ARE cops that look for that sort of thing.


It's called profiling.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!

I shouldve bought a prius instead :(


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Diehard Car Enthusiast!



Diehard Car Enthusiast!

Hell, the VW bug came with a flower vase. Why not?


Majority of those people ACTUALLY put flowers in there! :rofl: