Drinks beer!
I think the main difference is the administration here is highly active in ever aspect of the experience. The others basically leave everyone to their own devices with out any guidance and only chime in when the shit hits the fan. JJ says we are all equal and I never felt that stronger anywhere else. Just because I have "Administrator" underneath my name doesn't make me better than anyone else. The only thing that title means is I am some one you can turn to for issues you won't be able to handle yourselves (Includes all members). Otherwise I am on your level.
IWSTI was my first STi forum. While I was there, I was urged to join NASIOC mostly for the marketplace but also for some technical data. There were a few members on each that were brilliant, but it was like pulling teeth to get any kind of advice, opinion, etc. without having to sift through all the assholia and dick measuring contests that seem to plague each of them. Sometime around 2009, I joined SOCAL Subies just because I was stationed in San Diego at the time. I don't have anything bad to say about that forum, but there wasn't that much good to report either. Maybe it's better now, but I haven't been there in 3-4 years, so idk.
This forum is the best. I do hope we continue to grow, because it never hurts to have more experience, opinions and so forth. At the same time, I think part of the problem with IWSTI and NAZIoc is the fact that they have soooooo many members, it's almost impossible to moderate all the discussions.
When we were still slow growing, I would still go over to IWSTI periodically if I needed some specific info, but I haven't been there since 2011-ish. People were such ball-gargling-ass-pirates on that last occasion that I gave up on their forum once and for all.
Since then, I've been all about IGOTASTI and I'm not looking back. It really is about the people and the atmosphere. Luckily, we have so many good people here that we haven't had too many issues. Also, we target stupidity and nip it in the bud. That's what has to happen to keep the peace and I think we do an outstanding job.