Time for another story about test-drives!
One of my roommate in college was semi-proficient at driving manual, having driven my MINI a few times recently, and his parents beater back when he was in high school. He was never a full-time stick driver though, so his skills were average at best. When the new eclipse came out in 2006, he thought it looked cool and was considering getting the sporty one with the 5- or 6-speed. So we go and chat the saleman up, and all three of us pile into the car and off-we-go. After a few min my roommate was feeling comfortable with the clutch and shifter, and since this was not HIS car, he decided to do a 0-100 pull at the next light onto the freeway. First....redline, shift. Second....redline, shift. Uh, oh first again! And he didnt have fast reflexes to catch it and depress the clutch again before it spooled all the way up. Fortunately, the salesman was not a car guy and did not realize the HUGE mistake that had just been made. My roommate and I looked at eachother, and drove very gingerly back to the dealership and made as speedy a getaway as possible. The end.
TL;DR My friend downshifted instead of upshifting and probably ruined an eclipse. Nobody noticed.