So I've decided when winter ends I'm selling the Rex. I love Subaru and I love our IGOTASTi community but the subie is too much to maintain and too expensive. I'm going to go the way of George and switch to an S13 or S14. I still will support and be active in the community because I am not done with my love the car.
JJ I'm not leaving and I'll continue to sponsor the site, just right now I can't afford this car, I'll certainly buy another but I've started a business and can't afford both.
Private security details for VIPs, it's taken alot of my capital to get going and I've got business rolling in, but you know how start ups are for the first couple of years.
I love the community you've created too much to leave, I just won't be sporting a Rex. I'm thinking of buying an old forrester or outback as my daily.