Robert's 2004 WRB STi "DOMN8R"


New member
Well, as I've mentioned before, this car is mostly stock, aside from the catless TBE that was installed without proper tuning. I have since then, purchased and installed a COBB AP and begun attempting to undo whatever mistakes were done in the past. I will be going over this very carefully in hopes that I do not cause an issue, or compound an issue that was done in the past. With that in mind. I will begin by getting used to the car the way she is, and then begin building her up over time. I've built these cars in the past and know that throwing parts at a car all at once, never ends well. So, I will mod my car little by little. While driving the car, I will also be building a second 2.5L block the way I want it.. Which will most likely mean that I'll build a 2.7L stroker and do full head work. This will be done this way, so that when the time comes, I just swap motors, re-tune, and continue on. Then I will work on the factory block and bring it up to where I want it as well.

As I get nice pictures taken, I will upload them and provide more information to the community, so that everyone else can see what progress is being made on this beautiful little gem. STi DOMIN8R

That is the Album for the "DOMN8R" hopefully it works, and for those that want to follow pictures, feel free to, it is open to public, and should display any updated photos that are done.
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Track Monkey
ps, maybe do a few more "reserved" (blank) posts, to save them for when you want an index, pics, etc...

Just a thought! If you do go that route, I'll clean up my comments so you have the first posts alllllll to yourself!


New member
in 2009 I spun a bearing in my 2004 WRB WRX that I had in Anchorage Alaska. I sent the block off to a Machine Shop to have them do the machining of the block, but did all the assembly and tear down myself. I also did the removal and installation of the engine as well. After I had a friend do my tuning for me, we had a car that had 2 psi at 1700rpm's and full boost before 3500 ish and held to redline. I grew up around cars, and have been around them all my life. Mostly American Muscle cars however, I started the transition to these cars in 2009 and have been exceedingly impressed by these cars ever since. I have tinkered with several different setups and the ability for these cars to accept pretty much anything thrown at them is seriously impressive. You can do pretty much whatever you want with these cars as long as you do it with a specific end result in mind, and follow through with supporting mods. ;)


New member
I'll look into how to specifically do the "reserved" posts and what not. Since this is my first time using this site, I'm still figuring out how everything works. Thank you though for the fore-sight and information.


System Operator
Staff member
Can I post the one of your daughter on our Facebook page? So cute!!!


New member
ABSOLUTELY! Funny back story about that.. She was 2 years old when she climbed into my 2004 WRX in Anchorage, and we used to go out on Friday and Saturday nights with the other Subie guys up there to empty parking lots and drift one at a time in the parking lots.. The First sentence she ever said to me was, "Daddy, I want to go around!" We would do donuts and what not in the parking lots. When she saw this car, it was ALMOST identical to the one I had up there.. The WRX had the STi hood scoop, sideskirts, bumpers and spoiler, so when she saw it she said, "Daddy! Its your car!!" My heart melted ;)

I have no problems with you posting the pic on facebook of her and the STi. I would consider it an honor and pleasure.


System Operator
Staff member

My son is 4 and all he wants to do is boost! Dang kid cost me a tank of fuel every time we go out, lol.


New member
Both of my daughters are the same way.. as soon as they get slung back in the seats all they can do is laugh.. When I have to stop, they tell me to, "Do it again!" haha


System Operator
Staff member
Both of my daughters are the same way.. as soon as they get slung back in the seats all they can do is laugh.. When I have to stop, they tell me to, "Do it again!" haha

Yep my son is the same way.


New member
Since getting back to the States, and getting her in the back seat of the STi, all I hear from her is, "Daddy, when can we go for a ride?" and various other questions stating that she REALLY wants to ride in the car again. I grew up a mechanic, and continue to work on cars, looks like my 5yr old daughter is going to be the same lol.


New member
My 5 yr old just loves to be around the STi. Put her in the back seat though, she gets excited for a bit, and then the boxer growl lulls her to sleep.. lol. Never fails.


System Operator
Staff member
If I'm driving on the highway my son goes right out, lol.


New member
I saw the Facebook post for the shift knob. I wish I could register, however I have literally spent WAY too much this month. Since getting back to the states a week ago, I've forked out over $30,000 and the wife is looking at buying a house now as well lol, I'm going to have to hold off briefly on registering for premium until I figure out exactly what our budget looks like in about 2-4 weeks.


New member
Both the shift knob and the $1000 were mentioned. I'm working on a thread for how to's as well. May take a bit considering the next week is my bday and a family drive from Tampa to Killeen.


Track Monkey
responded to this thread thinking it was a different one, sorry! (then i deleted it, but apparently you replied to it. d'oh).

The $1000 for a how-to would help with the expenses.

Also, I wish i could afford a house!