

Diehard Car Enthusiast!
The beer or the forum?! :lmao:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Hell it takes both to keep me sane.

Well you can start being sane by making a journal and including lots of pics of the ride for us! :lol:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
As a non drinker, this thread = lol.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Yea, I'm 22. I've even delivered beer for a company here in the area. Was all craft beer, the expensive bullshit.

Breckenridge, Fat Heads, Dogfish, Left Hand, Carlesberg, 5 Rabbit, Great Divide, Jever, Kulmbacher, Original Sin, Shipyard, Sixpoint, Three Flloyds, Two Brothers, Unibroue, Weihenstephan, Kentucky Ale... AND A MILLION MORE! :lol:

Never tried any of it.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Never really seen a point for it. Again, I have never tried anything alcoholic, so maybe that would be different if I have. I like to profit. So that $11.99 4 pack or so.. I can turn it around and make it $30. I don't know if you can compare your feeling of enjoyment of drinking a beer, or whatever it may be, to my enjoyment of making my profit, but I would say they're relatively similar!

Now, let me ask you: What is your reason for drinking? :)