Step 1?


New member
I've read but will keep on reading the sticky about logging.

I want to start tuning my own car. There isn't a local tuner here.. Nor is there a AWD dyno. I know if i'm asking that question usually means I'm quite a bit from where I need to start tuning my own car.

Step one what is it? Reading and understanding logs?


New member
Yeah, reading and understanding gets you only so far. Experience makes up the other 80% of it. any pointers on what publish to start reading? I tired searching but not really getting luck on it. :(


New member
I have a 6 pack of corona extra.. But step 1... No can do. If your willing to do it at your own expanse.. then :D


New member
Does anyone wants to do a etune with me? Probably best way for me to learn.

My tuner bailed on me last second and I really really really want to get off my stock 07 tune asap.