Stock vs 400whp?


New member
Since I brought my STi up to Fort Lewis, WA I met plenty of Subaru enthusiast and enjoy our little gathering every Sunday. Its so awesome seeing all the different STi's and how unique each one are and how much they represent their owner. Some have crazy power while others feels the STi is perfect stock. Lucky for me I was given a privileged to drive an 04, 06, 08, and 2011 models and all bone stock. It was exhilarating experiencing and feeling how the STi have changed from each model year. I honestly have never driven a stock, since my was already pushing 400whp when I bought it, but I still love the stock STI's. It might not have that thrilling jerk that you get with a bigger turbo but Subaru still some how managed to create a car that retains that thrilling factor right out of the factory floor. If I could do it all over again I think I would be just as happy with a stock sti over a 400whp one and considering my knowledge is pretty limited compare to most enthusiast maybe I should have started with stock. So how was your experience when you first drove a Subaru WRX STI? What went through your mind and how did it feel? What difference do you feel between 305hp to 500hp? Also what is your favorite model year and why?
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New member
i think it depend what you look for in a car. (as a note i have never driven a high horsepower sti) but i imagine i wouldn't like a 400hp sti becasue a big enough turbo would create to much lag for my likeing. i have always felt like when it is 45 degrees or colder the sti has the power i want but above 65 degrees i want more power


Drinks beer!
I agree that stock is just not enough... I'm definately for moar powa.


New member
I went from a rsx-s to '11 sti and it was a big diff. 300hp good enough for my dd. i actually thought the handling was good except a little too bouncy for my taste. but overall never really get to utilize all the power as a dd but compared to a 200hp car and 300 i think its perfect now haha

my fave is 06-07 sti and 11+ sedans


Well i bought a stock car because i wanted that control of which parts go on the car and which dont. When you mod your car from stock you grow to love the car more than i think someone with an already modded car. Like me for instance, i bought my car bone stock, chose every mod i wanted, and put them all on my self. This IMO is priceless lol, and kinda created a bond between the car and i. I wouldnt trade this car for anything, its been my headache but it has also brought me tons of joy.
I'm in the same boat. I've done every mod to my car from scratch. I LOVE my 400+whp!! Lag?!? Pshhh. I'm hitting 300wtq @ 3200. I cruise around at 2k-2500 anyways. I will never trade this car...well, I do want a new shell and transfer all the parts (long story; chassis has been hit twice). I would never go back to stock.