yeah, gotta be dry. Where my dad grew up they called them "Swamp Coolers." Nobody had an actual refrigeration unit for the house, just evap coolers.
Evap coolers don't work in humid weather, FYI.
I'm from Phoenix and they work extremely well, aside from Monsoon season. If you pump an evap cooler into your garage in TX, you'll just make it more miserable.
I've been to Dallas many times... I never considered it dry. For evap coolers, it has to be extremely dry.
Oh then you should find a good leveling spot and take a before and after shot! :tup:
Im thinking from side and from top. Difference in distance!
...with a superimposed image of lines and angle calculations.:tup:
Will do. I hope it works out. My shifter is a 35% mechanically shorter throw than stock. It's also 1.5" shorter. The extender is 3". So my throw will be 35% shorter than stock + whatever distance the additional 1.5" in length compared to stock adds. It should still be significantly shorter than stock and with a lot more leverage. With my 400gram shift knob and the extra length it should shift like butter with little effort. The bushings will keep it nice and tight. :tup: