Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Perfect hieght if you catch my drift!
Hahaha pretty much what everyone was saying. :lol:
Perfect hieght if you catch my drift!
Shit holy.... If I put that on my STI I would get pulled over all the time with the cops looking for bodies in my trunk....
Raced a Modded yellow C6 Z06 yesterday..... was dead even through 2nd and half of 3rd, he then found another gear and walked on by me.....still was fun, i don't get many chances to play with the big boys.
Yeah but also think about how much money he put into it and that it is a "Premiere" V8... Even though he won I'd say he should be embarrassed because he should have annihilated you. He just walked away at the last moment... Haha
You should be proud.
Grinder why am I not surprised that you would find the chart with the legal age of consent.... for males..... "cough cough" queer "cough cough".....