The Post Whore Thread!


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Meat Product Toy
I used the Hellas three times today. Definitely gets people to wake the fuck up.
The fast lane or left lane here is for passing only. You can get a ticket for impeding the flow of traffic.
My thought is, regardless of how fast your going, if somone comes up behind you moving faster, move over and let them pass... in the left lane only. All other lanes, fuck em.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
So if im doing 80 in a 60 in the left lane and a focus is flying 100 in a 60 coming up behind me. I have to move over for him?


Meat Product Toy
So if im doing 80 in a 60 in the left lane and a focus is flying 100 in a 60 coming up behind me. I have to move over for him?

Law obviously says within the legal speed limit but yea, that's the idea.
My principle is move over and let the faster driver by in the left lane.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Meh. I have trouble following in the more extreme scenarios like i gave. I definitely move over but the shit after 15/20mph is just plain dumb. Our law seems to be very lenient at around 10/11 and thats what i do over. But anything else im gonna be a dick. If i can contain my lead foot with a passport escort 9500ix then the ithers should as well.

If its an emergency or something drastic then thats all you and you can swerve around all you want.

Maybe if i were going 65 in a 60 then yeah i would agree. But im already speeding 10/11 over.

These are on the streets and highways i know by heart.

Different state or visiting is different. Im not in the left lane at all.


Meat Product Toy
Definitely understand your point. Had the same viewpoints back when.
Had an epiphany one day and realized that trying to control other drivers is just as much road rage as being the asshat tailgating and acting outwardly aggressive.
Plus anymore, people are just nucking futz enough to shoot you over some dumb shit so I just get them an opportunity very often.

Last time I did a brake stand on a guy a few years back. He was tailgating so close I couldn't see his headlights. I was in the middle lane. The guy flipped shit and tried to make me pull over. When I didn't, he tried to run me off the road until I dropped the hammer and pulled away.
Fist fight, cool. Guns at a fist fight, too often and no bueno.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
I will take more caution from now on. Remember im 22. I dont have the same experience you do. :lol:


Meat Product Toy
Not saying I'm right but I just don't see driving as being in the road warrior as much as I did before.
Still not a candyass and I'll still go donkey on a fuck that screws with me enough but anymore, goosfrappa.

Oh, and for your pleasure:
A buddy of mine several years ago was cruising along in his diesel truck. Asshat wanna be gang banger decided to do dumb shit in traffic. Guy in truck honks horn. Gang banger tries to hit his truck. Truck rolls down window and proceeds to cuss him. Banger pulls gun. Truck drops back and pit maneuvers the little car. Gang banger goes off highway doing circles and lands on a service road. Buddy continues on laughing and wishing he had it on video.
Pit maneuver FTW!


Diehard Car Enthusiast!

Now i havent had an encounter of that extremity!


Meat Product Toy
We actually had a rash of this type of shit years back when the economy took a dump and people were jobless and pissed. A lot of road rage turned deadly with shootings and stabbings.
SMH. Is it worth it?


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Not when you put it that way. No.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Not saying I'm right but I just don't see driving as being in the road warrior as much as I did before.
Still not a candyass and I'll still go donkey on a fuck that screws with me enough but anymore, goosfrappa.

Oh, and for your pleasure:
A buddy of mine several years ago was cruising along in his diesel truck. Asshat wanna be gang banger decided to do dumb shit in traffic. Guy in truck honks horn. Gang banger tries to hit his truck. Truck rolls down window and proceeds to cuss him. Banger pulls gun. Truck drops back and pit maneuvers the little car. Gang banger goes off highway doing circles and lands on a service road. Buddy continues on laughing and wishing he had it on video.
Pit maneuver FTW!

HAHAHAHAAA That's great. As I was reading this, I half expected to hear what my buddy and his dad did in a VERY similar
situation in South Florida. Asshats in this little Del Sol were screwing with them and flashed a gun, etc. When they rolled
down the window to scream some spanglish bullshit, my buddy's dad stood on the gas and filled the Del Sol's cabin full of
thick diesel exhaust. Apparently, that Honda made a bee-line for the ditch. :lol:


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Alinro, when you mention going say 70 in a 65 and someone rolls up behind you at 100 or more...
...that's the only time I don't immediately move to the right. I've seen a couple of instances over
the last 10 years or so where a car is hauling ass down the interstate 90-110mph in the left lane
and comes upon a car traveling the normal speed. Guy doing 100 is already making the move to
pass you on the right but you've just noticed him coming up fast and you move right....accident.
So, while I move to the right 99% of the time when someone is close behind me, I let that situation
play out for another few seconds so he'll either, pass me on the right like he may intend to, or
slow down to my speed at which time I signal, wait one second and move over. Seems the safest to
me considering you can't read the minds of other drivers.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
70 in a 65 i dont really do unless i cant pass and am stuck begind slmeone else. Indo at least 10 over. But yeah. The people who are coasting


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Speaking of road rage, did I ever tell you guys about the time some punks in a brand new 300C were trying to
force me off onto the shoulder, on a bridge over water nonetheless, in Vero Beach, FL? I went from normal
Ryan to psychopath Ryan in about 2.3 seconds. You see, I had a t-ball bat behind the passenger front seat,
which I can reach while driving. I got that shit hanging out the window, wielding it like a @#$%ing sword trying
to lop off his passenger side mirror. Just before they finally backed off, the front passenger opened his frigging
door, we're traveling at least 50mph mind you (my girlfriend at the time is screaming "Jesus save us, Ryan they
might have a gun!!!" The thought definitely crossed my mind and I didn't want them trying to stop my vehicle)
so of course the t-ball bat swinging goes on until that dude opens his door and I get a piece of it with the ball bat.
They swerve a little closer and I spit a nasty hocker right in their passenger side window (though I don't know if
I hit anyone with it). Apparently, that was enough to scare them off, so I stood on the gas in 4th doing about 90
down the other side of the bridge.
I honestly don't know what came over me. That was a rough time in my life and in a way, I'm not surprised I lost
my mind for a few minutes. Now I live in the Detroit area and still have the ball bat in there. I laugh a little every
time I look at it.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
So you carry a t-ball bat. A few others carry guns. My friend carries a massive wrench.


How often do you use it?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I have a couple good blades as well. I don't have a ccw permit yet, so I can't carry my pistol loaded in the vehicle. In fact, the ammo and gun have to be separated, one in glove box, one in trunk.

Only once, Alinro. I've only had to pull it out that one time in Florida.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
I have my ccw. I have a gun. I dont carry....


Do you live in a bad neighborhood?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
It's not terrible, but if you're interested, go on
Livonia, MI. Some of the areas I drive through are worse. Only a few miles away, is a real run down crime ridden area, and those punks like to come into our area and rob houses.

They'd be wise avoid my house.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Hmmm thats interesting. Hahahaha yeah majority of the criminals arent too wise so you should be prepared! (Which you are!)