Speaking of road rage, did I ever tell you guys about the time some punks in a brand new 300C were trying to
force me off onto the shoulder, on a bridge over water nonetheless, in Vero Beach, FL? I went from normal
Ryan to psychopath Ryan in about 2.3 seconds. You see, I had a t-ball bat behind the passenger front seat,
which I can reach while driving. I got that shit hanging out the window, wielding it like a @#$%ing sword trying
to lop off his passenger side mirror. Just before they finally backed off, the front passenger opened his frigging
door, we're traveling at least 50mph mind you (my girlfriend at the time is screaming "Jesus save us, Ryan they
might have a gun!!!" The thought definitely crossed my mind and I didn't want them trying to stop my vehicle)
so of course the t-ball bat swinging goes on until that dude opens his door and I get a piece of it with the ball bat.
They swerve a little closer and I spit a nasty hocker right in their passenger side window (though I don't know if
I hit anyone with it). Apparently, that was enough to scare them off, so I stood on the gas in 4th doing about 90
down the other side of the bridge.
I honestly don't know what came over me. That was a rough time in my life and in a way, I'm not surprised I lost
my mind for a few minutes. Now I live in the Detroit area and still have the ball bat in there. I laugh a little every
time I look at it.