The Post Whore Thread!


Meat Product Toy
[MENTION=600]black bandit[/MENTION].

Similar happened to me a few weeks ago. Was cleaning the pool and I noticed a dark object moving around just inside the skimmer. I got into the pool to investigate. She I got close to the skimmer I saw it was a damn spider about 2.5 around. It came out of the skimmer opening. I grabbed my only defense, a pool noodle. I shoved the noodle onto it hoping to crush it against the side of the pool, no dice. This hairy fucker jumps onto the noodle and starts coming down the damn thing at me. My reflexes kicked in and the noodle went airborne. Bout that time in mid air, the spider came off and landed on the concrete. When it landed it was as if it burst into a bagillion pieces. What seemed like thousands of tiny spiders went scattering like dust all over. I freaked and started pounding the pavement with my only weapon, a wet noodle. lmfao. My wife comes out to see my wet dripping self screaming and hoping around like a little girl... and not to mention the force of me exiting the water had half assed removed my swim trunks.


Meat Product Toy
Shit is for real ain't it [MENTION=1507]Spamby[/MENTION].

I'll get some pics off of my old phone to show you guys the war I was fighting.

It's no joke. I'm not quite to arachnophobia but those things make me react in two different ways, go all donkey and get western up in that bitch or piss me panties.
Definitely want to see the carnage. I'm still giggling about you torching the house. Lol
Hey, it was either me or them.... I had to stand strong, hold my ground. I figured I could fix the door and door jamb, however there ain't no fixin' thousands of damn spiders running around. Nope.


New member
i was driving home today (in the cummins) from running errands and rolling coal :), i was approaching a toyota tacoma coming the other way when something caught my eye. i looked harder and through his windows behind him i saw cop lights (blue flashing ones) I'm like "ahh man that sucks". As i passed him i look in my mirror, dude in the tacoma pulls over on the side of the road and behind him was a crappy nissan pickup full of little kids with a police light bar screwing around with him making him think that they are actually the police lol

thought that was pretty darn funny. although its not legal it was still a pretty good laugh


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


Diehard Car Enthusiast!


System Operator
Staff member
Is there a story level?
There is, but that's not what the developers focused on. You can only play a certain amount of the story before you have to get paired with other players online to finish the big raids/strikes.

The story itself is ok, but what is really cool is the multiplayer aspect of the game. It works really well to team up and do the missions together.


System Operator
Staff member
So then its very good?


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
It was bad when I still played on the ps3. Can't tell you how many controllers I destroyed while playing that damn game. Destiny is mellow and has allowed me to find my inner peace.
So then its very good?
Very good..... Ehhh I would take my opinion lightly as it's a new style of game for me. Although when I did have Xbox I was halo all day. This is like an amped up version of halo. Let's just say I feel that I have gotten my moneys worth thus far for it.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
So far ao good from what ive played. The critics arent giving the game the credit it deserves.
[MENTION=600]black bandit[/MENTION] you and me both. Those controllers were doomed the moment we put our hands on them. :(


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Dont have an xboner nor access to one anymore. You better get horizon 2. Still feeling doubtful on the crew though.

I know im getting project cars!