The Post Whore Thread!


System Operator
Staff member
To be honest love them both. Will be getting ps4 also.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Had an xboner from launch to March. Bought it to play the shit out of Forza 5 and then sold it! :tup: :lol:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Fucking loved it! Poured over 150 hours into it! :tup:

Hands down, best Forza yet.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Only used it for Forza 5. Never took the kinect out of the box. Literally hardcore Forza sessions. :rofl:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
You need to be looking forward to Project Cars. I might opt for a PS4 since they're cheaper when that comes out. Look on youtube for the M3 Laguna Seca test lap. Real life vs. Project Cars Virtual Reality. Amazing.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Biggest joke from the 04 sti:

Does anyone ACTUALLY use the damn cup holder?!
OK super random...IMAG1382.jpgIMAG1383.jpgIMAG1384.jpgcrown vics got rolled fenders


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Forget the rolled fenders. Why are you washing it?! :lol:
Haha I detail cars Alin. It just went through bodyshop. It pays my bills lol, my other passion is working on my car..Im working on getting my icar certs soon :tup: moving on up the chain! Im only turning 22 in 6 weeks LOL


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
I've never seen anyone detail a police interceptor before. How was the interior?!


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Yo dawg, I heard you like F40's!
