I've been procrastinating on the dome light project. I ended up having to cut the attachment piece off since it wouldn't come out of the mold. I used some clay and need to add a little more then sand it all smooth then do the gel coat and fiberglass again. In other news though I did complete two other projects this weekend
Got the headlights done! I don't know why I didn't do this before. It looks mean!
First I preheated the oven to 220 then stuck the headlights in for 17 minutes. 15 wasn't quite long enough as the headlights were in the cold garage.
Got them apart and cleared.
Epoxied in some mesh to give a foundation for the body filler.
First coat of body filler. I filled the main hole and the 2 little holes that the reflectors clips go through.
2nd layer of filler, sanded smooth and painting the rings blue. Did 5 coats of paint and 3 coats of clear.
Untaped it and let it cure for a couple hours. I should of let it cure much longer but I needed my car to get to work today. Taped off the blue bezel and painted everything gloss black.
I let that cure for a little over an hour. When I peeled the tape off the blue portion, the tape had left imprints :\ no worries. I used 1500 and then 2000 grit sand paper since it was just a clear coat

polished it and came our great

Got the insert assembled and threw them back in the oven for 10 min to be able to squeeze the housing back together. Screw it back together once that was done and got this.

installed on the car. I will definitely be getting pics in the day.
As for the grill, I painted it black and was able to bend it around the sides and bottom portion of the opening. I didn't want it canted back sovi bent the top so it could sit vertically and give me something to screw into. This pic is before test fitting and I had to bend the top corner pieces back up and forward since the were hitting the intercooler.
Again I'll get some better pics in th day. In other news. I am now officially the VP of the AE Motorsports Car Club on the East Coast and also the NC chapter. It was founded in Germany in 2007 by a group of guys and has evolved into a huge second family in Germany. My buddy who has an M3 moved here to Ft. Bragg as well and wanted to start this chapter and I was starting a club also so we teamed up. AE stands for American European since Americans started it in Germany. We are probably going to start a SC and GA chapter as well.
Sways and the rest of the parts are hopefully being delivered this week so next weekend will probably be busy too