Hello All, long time did not post anything. my car was running great
on HolyCrapItsFast Tune.
I have put 1000cc injectors and made the proper adjustment and it drives amazing. but I have tip-out knock on very slight throttle, when I left off but still slightly on throttle I can feel the car hesitate a little bit.
what should be done:
1. Reduce/Increase Tip-in?
2. increase Overrun?
3. I feel the car is trying to switch to openloop on lift of but its not happening because I am applying slight throttle, so how can it be tuned to be on closed loop for longer period?
4. reduce timing on this area?
Log: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhnqO46jwFi7gaI4MEPy8guuk0aVvg
I have put 1000cc injectors and made the proper adjustment and it drives amazing. but I have tip-out knock on very slight throttle, when I left off but still slightly on throttle I can feel the car hesitate a little bit.
what should be done:
1. Reduce/Increase Tip-in?
2. increase Overrun?
3. I feel the car is trying to switch to openloop on lift of but its not happening because I am applying slight throttle, so how can it be tuned to be on closed loop for longer period?
4. reduce timing on this area?
Log: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhnqO46jwFi7gaI4MEPy8guuk0aVvg